Previous Card PR97-0001-BBB - BELIEVE THE LIE


Promo Bureau File Number: PR97-0001-BBB
Edition: Promo
Rarity: Promo
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event, Government, Alien Investigation
Activators: Conspiracy
Event Effects: Exchange your X-File with ALIEN Affiliation with any X-File with GOVERNMENT Affiliation.
Cost: 12 CP
Episode: Gethsemane (4X24) - Season 4
Quote: FBI Investigator: "Agent Scully, I presume you have a basis for this break from Agent Mulder."
Scully: "Yes sir. Recent events have shed new light on the factual and physical evidence that would serve to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, which is the foundation of Agent Mulder's consuming devotion to his work."