Mike and Matt are bringing back The X-Files CCG in their YouTube channel.
Their channel is filled with interviews from those who have been involved in producing the game, as well as actors from The X-Files. They also have gameplay videos and unboxing videos.
This channel is a must watch for anyone interested in The X-Files CCG.
The X-Files Collectible Card Game Facebook Group

This is a fantastic community for those interested in The X-Files CCG.
There are many members who are passionate about the game, you'll find things here that you won't find elsewhere.

Are you a fan of the long-defunct The X-Files Collectible Card Game (CCG)? Are you interested in watching the game and learning how to play? Then look no further!
Alien Investigations routinely posts gameplay videos on this channel.

This YouTube channel has gameplay videos as well as some lengthy discussions about The X-Files CCG.
You can also see playtesting of the 040460 expansion set.

Mike Mackey is the former owner of Voyager Promotions. He was the exclusive distributor of the X-Files CCG “Voyager Promotions" promo cards & several other X-Files CCG items offered no where else.
Mike has sold more X-Files CCG cards than anyone on the planet. You will find some truly great items for sale here.