Previous Card PR97-0004-BOX - GOOD FORTUNE


Promo Bureau File Number: PR97-0004-BOX
Edition: Promo
Rarity: Promo
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event
Activators: Active
Event Effects: Once this card is played, only the Investigating player may play Events while investigating this Site, except for Events which would negate this card. Discard this card when the Site card is discarded.
Cost: 2 RP
Episode: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose (3X04) - Season 3
Quote: Clyde Bruckman: "Holly will not only re-emerge, but also regroup with The Crickets, and they will headline at next year's Lollapala... Lollapallazoola... What the hell is Lollapalazo?"
Clerk: "Who's Buddy Holly?"
Bruckman: "Just give me my Lotto ticket. And a pint of malt scotch whiskey, And a Choc-o-saurus."