Previous Card XF96-0007 GCon - Frozen Submarine, Alaska.

Frozen Submarine, Alaska.

Demonstration Bureau File Number: XF96-0007 GCon
Edition: Gen Con
Rarity: Demonstration
Suit: Site
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Site, Multi, Affiliation, Result, Alien Investigation, Evidence Collection
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Evidence Collection 5+
Question: You may ask one Affiliation question or one Result question. If you ask if the Result is Manipulation Of Evidence, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Cost: 1 RP
Episode: End Game (2X17) - Season 2
Quote: "A nuclear submarine located his craft in the Boffort Sea five days ago. They were ordered to destroy it, but they were disabled. An attack fleet left port from Anchorage this morning to make sure this man does not leave." - X
Alternates: XF96-0059v1, XF97-0059v2
  • Gen Con '96
