Previous Card XF96-0024v1 - Internal Bleeding

Internal Bleeding

Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF96-0024v1
Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Combat
Advanced Game Only: Yes
Keywords: Combat
Activators: Combat
Investigation Report: Play on any Agent that has taken two or more points of damage from a single damage source. That Agent must go to the Hospital immediately and may no longer participate in the combat. The Agent may not leave the Hospital until he is fully healed.
Cost: 3 CP
Episode: Duane Barry (2X05) - Season 2
Quote: "He's going to bleed to death." - Hostage
Alternate: XF97-0024v2
  • Premiere Booster Packs
  • Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)
