Massive Internal Damage
Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF96-0037v1Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Combat
Advanced Game Only: Yes
Keywords: Combat, Killer
Activators: Combat
Investigation Report: Play on any Agent that has taken four or more points of damage from a single damage source. That Agent must go to the Hospital immediately and may no longer participate in the combat. The Agent may not leave the Hospital until fully healed. Subtract 4 from the Agent's Cost. If the result is zero or less, the Agent is removed from the game. (Agents Lamana, Willis, Purdue, and Weiss are immune to this effect).
Cost: 8 CP
Episode: One Breath (2X08) - Season 2
Quote: "Um... her immune system has been decimated and... ah... I doubt that even a healthy body has the ability to fight this." - Byers to Mulder regarding Scully's condition
Alternate: XF97-0037v2
- Premiere Booster Packs
- Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)