Previous Card XF96-0056v1 - NASA Mission Control, Houston, TX

NASA Mission Control, Houston, TX

Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF96-0056v1
Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Site
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Site, Multi, Affiliation, Result, Sciences, Observation
Prerequisite: SCIENCES 5+ or OBSERVATION 5+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question or one RESULT question.
Cost: 1 RP
Episode: Space (1X08) - Season 1
Quote: Mulder: "The failure of the Hubble Telescope and the Mars Observer are directly connected to a conspiracy to deny us evidence."
Scully: "Evidence of what?"
Mulder: "Alien civilization."
Alternate: XF97-0056v2 (Rarity changes to Rare)
  • Premiere Booster Packs
  • Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)
