Sinus Cavity Implant
Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF96-0088v1Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Bluff
Advanced Game Only: Yes
Keywords: Bluff, Conspiracy, Alien, Phenomena
Activators: Conspiracy
Bluff: Play on one Agent to decrease that Agent's RES value by one. This card is removed when a Healing card is played on the Agent.
Cost: 1 CP
Episode: Pilot (1X79) - Season 1
Quote: "This is the object described by Billy Miles as a communication device. I ran a lab test on it. The material could not be identified." - Scully's report to Section Chief Blevins
Alternate: XF97-0088v2
- Premiere Booster Packs
- Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)