Dr. Berube
Common Bureau File Number: XF96-0093v1Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Common
Suit: Bluff
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Bluff, Government
Activators: Conspiracy
Bluff: Basic Game Only: Apply a ‐2 modifier to any one skill check involving one of the following skills: ALIEN INVESTIGATION, MEDICAL, SCIENCES.
Advanced Game: Pay the listed

Cost: X CP
Episode: The Erlenmeyer Flask (1X23) - Season 1
Quote: Dr. Berube: "Am I under some kind of suspicion?"
Mulder: "No."
Dr. Berube: "Then I think I've answered all of your questions. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."
Alternate: XF97-0093v2
- Premiere Booster Packs
- Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)
- Premiere Banded Set - U.S. Marshall Tapia
- Premiere Banded Set - Agent Moe Bocks