Previous Card XF96-0107v1 - Radioactive Area

Radioactive Area

Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF96-0107v1
Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Bluff
Advanced Game Only: Yes
Keywords: Bluff, Phenomena
Activators: Conspiracy
Bluff: Increase a Site Prerequisite by one point (i.e., Prerequisite: Skill 5+ becomes Skill 6+). In addition, if the Team fails the skill check, each Agent on the Team takes one point of damage. If one of the Agents has a "Geiger Counter", this card has no effect.
Cost: 3 CP
Episode: Fallen Angel (1X09) - Season 1
Quote: Scully: "It was a downed Libyan jet with a nuclear warhead."
Mulder: "You really believe that story?"
Alternate: XF97-0107v2
  • Premiere Booster Packs
  • Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)
