Previous Card XF96-0110v1 - Car Troubles

Car Troubles

Fixed Bureau File Number: XF96-0110v1
Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Fixed
Suit: Bluff
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Bluff, Phenomena, Move
Activators: Conspiracy
Bluff: Play on a Team of three or more Agents moving to the same Site. The Team may only send two Agents to that Site (owning player's choice). Any extra Agents remain in the Team but may not contribute their skills to any checks this turn. In addition, playing this card will prevent the use of the "Evasive Maneuver" card by this Team this turn.
Cost: 3 CP
Episode: Shadows (1X05) - Season 1
Quote: Mulder: "What if it's possible somehow to raise the body's electrostatic charge to levels we've been seeing and to use that energy to affect objects?"
Scully: "Are you saying Lauren Kyte crashed our car?"
Mulder: "Either that, or a poltergeist."
Alternate: XF97-0110v2 (Rarity changes to Common)