Previous Card XF96-0170v1 - Agent Alex Krycek

Agent Alex Krycek

Fixed Bureau File Number: XF96-0170v1
Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Fixed
Suit: Agent
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Agent, FBI, Law, Neutral, Believer
Name: Alex Krycek
Biographical Information: Alex Krycek is a clean-cut Agent who professes an admiration for Agent Fox Mulder and his work on the X-Files. Krycek worked with Mulder in apprehending Augustus Cole ("Sleepless") and in searching for Agent Dana Scully after her abduction ("Ascension"). What no one else knows is that he is actually a double agent working for The Cigarette-Smoking Man.
Game Effect: Agent Krycek allows you to choose to add to the Conspiracy Pool instead of the Resource Pool during the Briefing Phase.
Alien Investigation: 3
Criminal Investigation: 2
Evidence Collection: 2
Sciences: 1
Subterfuge: 4
Long Range Combat: 4
Close Range Combat: 2
Health: 5
RES: 2
Cost: 6 RP
Episode: Sleepless (2X04) - Season 2
Alternates: XF96-0027 GCon, XF96-0162v1, XF97-0170v2