Gung Bituen
Rare Bureau File Number: XF96-0214v1Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Rare
Suit: Witness
Advanced Game Only: Yes
Keywords: Witness, Occult, Resource
Activators: Active
Investigative Effects: Attach this Witness to a Team. Enables your Agents to deal damage to OCCULT CREATUREs as normal. For example, you may use LRC against POLTERGEISTs and VAMPIREs. If at any time there are no Agents in the Team to which this card is attached, discard this card.
Cost: 4 RP
Episode: Excelsius Dei (2X11) - Season 2
Quote: "The mushrooms we take to speak with the dead, to see our ancestors in the spirit world." - Gung Bituen
Alternate: XF97-0214v2
- Premiere Booster Packs
- Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)