Previous Card XF96-0312v1 - Gas Chromatograph

Gas Chromatograph

Common Bureau File Number: XF96-0312v1
Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Common
Suit: Equipment
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Equipment, Electrical, Special
Activators: Bureau
Equipment: Agents equipped with a Gas Chromatograph have access to the field office crime lab. Adds 1 to the Agent's SCIENCES skill.
Cost: 2 RP
Episode: Firewalker (2X09) - Season 2
Quote: Mulder: "Whatever I'm smelling, is it toxic?"
Jason Ludwig: "Between the heat and the sulfur it can get pretty nasty in here. But it won't hurt you."
Alternate: XF97-0312v2
  • Premiere Booster Packs
  • Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)
