Previous Card XF97-0168v2 - Inspector Phoebe Green

Inspector Phoebe Green

Fixed Bureau File Number: XF97-0168v2
Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Fixed
Suit: Agent
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Agent, Independent, Law
Name: Phoebe Green
Biographical Information: Agent Fox Mulder's love interest while he studied at Oxford, Phoebe Green went on to become an inspector for Scotland Yard. Their paths crossed again when they joined forces to apprehend the I.R.A. terrorist Cecil L'ively.
Game Effect: Place a token on this card. Discard a token to move Agent Fox Mulder from anywhere on the table to the Team Phoebe Green is in. Mulder may assist in any skill check made by the team. In this manner, Mulder may assist on two Sites in one turn.
Criminal Investigation: 3
Evidence Collection: 2
Observation: 3
Sciences: 2
Long Range Combat: 2
Close Range Combat: 2
Health: 4
RES: 1
Cost: 5 RP
Episode: Fire (1X11) - Season 1
Alternate: XF96-0168v1