Previous Card XF97-0181v2 - Agent Weiss

Agent Weiss

Fixed Bureau File Number: XF97-0181v2
Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Fixed
Suit: Agent
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Agent, FBI, Law
Name: Agent Weiss
Biographical Information: Agent Weiss was contacted by Agent Fox Mulder and asked to provide protection for one of the "Gregor" clones. He was the first FBI agent to encounter the Alien Bounty Hunter.
Game Effect: Place a token on this card. Discard a token and look through your Bureau deck to draw any one Site that asks a METHOD question. Add it to your hand. Reshuffle your Bureau Deck.
Computer: 1
Criminal Investigation: 1
Evidence Collection: 2
Observation: 2
Subterfuge: 1
Long Range Combat: 3
Close Range Combat: 2
Health: 4
RES: 1
Cost: 4 RP
Episode: Colony (2X16) - Season 2
Alternate: XF96-0181v1