Fixed Bureau File Number: XF97-0239v2Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Fixed
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event, Negate, Evidence Collection
Activators: Conspiracy, Evidence Collection
Event Effects: Negate one Keyword EVIDENCE COLLECTION card.
Cost: 4 CP
Episode: Pilot (1X79) - Season 1
Quote: Scully: "There goes my computer."
Mulder: "Yeah. The X-rays. My Polaroids. Somebody around here doesn't like us, Scully."
Alternate: XF96-0239v1 (Rarity was Uncommon)
- The Truth Is Out There Banded Set - 1
- The Truth Is Out There Banded Set - 4
- The Truth Is Out There Banded Set - 6