Common Bureau File Number: XF97-0246v2Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Common
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event, Observation, Resource
Activators: Active, Site
Event Effects: If the Team makes an OBSERVATION 4+ skill check, they gain a +1 to the Site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Cost: 1 RP
Episode: Lazarus (1X14) - Season 1
Quote: "Mulder here found a print on the T.V., a partial oblique, and it's not the victim's." - Unknown Detective to Agent Willis
Alternate: XF96-0246v1
- The Truth Is Out There Booster Packs
- The Truth Is Out There Banded Set - 2
- The Truth Is Out There Banded Set - 5