Previous Card XF97-0292v2 - TRAP


Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF97-0292v2
Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: Yes
Keywords: Event, Observation
Activators: Conspiracy
Event Effects: Play on a Team in the Field at the start of combat. Force the opponent Team to make an OBSERVATION 4+ skill check. If they fail, the following combat will be fought between the Adversary and one Agent of your choice. No other Agents may participate in the combat.
Cost: 3 CP
Episode: End Game (2X17) - Season 2
Quote: Mulder on the phone: "Scully, are you there?"
Scully: "No. Sorry."
Alien Bounty Hunter/Mulder: "Who was that?"
Scully: "It was a wrong number."
Alternate: XF96-0292v1
  • The Truth Is Out There Booster Packs
  • The Truth Is Out There Starter Decks (Loose)
