Previous Card XF97-0296v2 - X-FILES RESEARCH


Common Bureau File Number: XF97-0296v2
Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Common
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event, Training
Activators: Active, Agent
Event Effects: Play on an Agent in the Bureau. The Agent is taken out of play for one full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase of the second turn, the Agent may be deployed as normal, and in addition has a +1 in one of the following skills: ALIEN INVESTIGATION, OCCULT INVESTIGATION, or SCIENCES. This card may not be played on Agents Mulder or Scully. Place this card below the Agent to remind you of the increased skill.
Cost: 2 RP
Episode: Not Specified
Quote: "The reason you are here, Agent Scully, is we want you to assist Mulder on these X-Files." - Section Chief Scott Blevins
Alternate: XF96-0296v1