Previous Card XF97-0300v2 - TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS


Common Bureau File Number: XF97-0300v2
Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Common
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event, Move
Activators: Active, Agent
Event Effects: You may move one of your Agents to any Section immediately. This card may not be played once an Adversary has forced combat until after the combat is resolved. The Agent may join any Team that occupies the new Section.
Cost: 2 RP
Episode: Deep Throat (1X01) - Season 1
Quote: Scully: "So?"
Mulder: "So you and I are going to the spud state to investigate a little kidnapping."
Alternates: XF96-0046 GCon, XF96-0300v1