Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF97-0392x1Edition: 101361
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Adversary
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Adversary, Occult, Creature
Activators: Conspiracy, Result, Site
Long Range Combat: 2
Close Range Combat: 2
Health: 2
Investigative Report: This card may be played on a Site at which the "Margi Kleinjan" Adversary card has been played, ignoring Activator requirements. When this occurs, both Adversaries attack simultaneously (treat as one combat) and double both cards' LRC, CRC, and HEALTH. Triple both cards' LRC, CRC and HEALTH if the Agents are using OCCULT INVESTIGATION skill.
Cost: 3 CP
Episode: Syzygy (3X13) - Season 3
Quote: "...I think she's been possessed by the devil. She... she killed Scott Simmons tonight with a garage door spring. I don't know how she does it." - Terri Roberts on Margi Kleinjan
- 101361 Booster Packs