Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF97-0394x1Edition: 101361
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Adversary
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Adversary, Evolutionary, Phenomena
Activators: Conspiracy, Affiliation, Site
Long Range Combat: 0
Close Range Combat: 4
Health: 4
Investigative Report: Subtract one from all damage sources applied to this Adversary.
Cost: 5 CP
Episode: The Walk (3X07) - Season 3
Quote: "I know a lot of crips have the same dream. The Walk. In my dream, I rise, out of my chair. I can stand. I look down the hall, only I'm not on the ward, I'm at home and there's my baby girl.." - Amputee
- 101361 Booster Packs