Previous Card XF97-0444x1 - FOO FIGHTER


Rare Bureau File Number: XF97-0444x1
Edition: 101361
Rarity: Rare
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: Yes
Keywords: Artifact, Event, Resource
Activators: Conspiracy
Event Effects: While in play, you may take a second Conspiracy discard after your first (in the Briefing Phase). Discard when an opponent successfully investigates a site (directed at you) using ALIEN INVESTIGATION Skill.
Cost: 6 CP
Episode: Apocrypha (3X16) - Season 3
Quote: Mulder: "You answer some quetions for me first. Like what exactly was pulled from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean?"
Well-Manicured Man: "It was a UFO. A so-called 'Foo Fighter,' downed by American fighter pilots during the second world war."
  • 101361 Booster Packs
