Previous Card XF97-0476x1 - Virgil Incanto's Apartment, Cleveland, Ohio

Virgil Incanto's Apartment, Cleveland, Ohio

Common Bureau File Number: XF97-0476x1
Edition: 101361
Rarity: Common
Suit: Site
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Site, Mono, Affiliation, Computer
Prerequisite: COMPUTER 4+
Question: You may ask one AFFILIATION question.
Cost: 2 RP
Episode: 2Shy (3X06) - Season 3
Quote: "His name is Virgil Incanto. At least that's what it says on his rental agreement. But other than that, there's no record that the man even exists. No DMV or birth certification, no social security number... not even a bank account." - Mulder
  • 101361 Booster Packs
