Dr. Bugger
Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF97-0486x1Edition: 101361
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Witness
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Witness, Medical, Sciences
Activators: Active
Investigative Effects: Adds 2 to one Team's SCIENCES or adds 1 to one Team's MEDICAL skill check.
Cost: 3 RP
Episode: War of the Coprophages (3X12) - Season 3
Quote: "Behold, the mighty cockroach. Believed to have originated in the Silurian period over 350 million years ago, they can be found in every part of the world. Radiation doesn't kill them. By evolutionary standards they are nearly flawless creatures. Possessing only a simple nervous system, their behavior is dictated solely by responses to environmental stimuli. Unlike us, they are incapable of thought. Thus, compared to the roach, we are gods and must therefore act accordingly." - Dr. Bugger
- 101361 Booster Packs