Previous Card XF97-0504x1 - Sharon Skinner

Sharon Skinner

Rare Bureau File Number: XF97-0504x1
Edition: 101361
Rarity: Rare
Suit: Witness
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Witness, Resource
Activators: Active
Investigative Effects: As long as this card is in play, Skinner cannot be affected by any CONSPIRACY card that would specifically affect him.
Cost: 2 RP
Episode: Avatar (3X21) - Season 3
Quote: Sharon Skinner: "I don't want you to say anything. I just want you to let me in... just this one time."
Walter Skinner: "Why?"
Sharon Skinner: "Because I know you, Walter. I know that you're scared, and that you could use some comfort."
  • 101361 Booster Packs
