InQuest 15 - 18 - X-Files CCG, Donruss & NXT Games: Mention
In Other News...
☛ Topps has delayed its Killer Instinct CCG until June, when the
martial arts video game will be released for the Nintendo 64 enter-
tainment system.
The 1996 Killer Instinct CCG champion will win a Killer Instinct II arcade
game. (See page 46 for a review of the Killer Instinct CCG.)
☛ Pinnacle's purchase of competing card-maker Donruss has thrown
plans for Top of the Order '96 into doubt. Ron Kent of Donruss' game
design firm, NXT Games, says that X-Files and Red Zone '96 will definitely
appear this summer.
☛ West End Games' Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire novel tie-in
appears in June. Twenty smackers gets you a 128-page hardcover source-
book detailing the time between the "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of
the Jedi" movies.
Star Wars: Classic Adventures Vol. 3, to appear in June, will contain
three long-out-of-print Star Wars roleplaying scenarios. The 128-page West
End paperback features a murder/espionage romp on the Mon Calamari
homeworld and costs $18.
☛ In June, White Wolf will release a $22, 192-page players guide
for its Changeling RPG. It has new facts on Native American changelings,
revised magic rules and other stuff.
White Wolf plans five historical settings for its "World of Darkness"
games, starting with Vampire: The Dark Ages this spring. Look for an Old
West Werewolf in 1997.
☛ Topps has delayed its Killer Instinct CCG until June, when the
martial arts video game will be released for the Nintendo 64 enter-
tainment system.
The 1996 Killer Instinct CCG champion will win a Killer Instinct II arcade
game. (See page 46 for a review of the Killer Instinct CCG.)
☛ Pinnacle's purchase of competing card-maker Donruss has thrown
plans for Top of the Order '96 into doubt. Ron Kent of Donruss' game
design firm, NXT Games, says that X-Files and Red Zone '96 will definitely
appear this summer.
☛ West End Games' Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire novel tie-in
appears in June. Twenty smackers gets you a 128-page hardcover source-
book detailing the time between the "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of
the Jedi" movies.
Star Wars: Classic Adventures Vol. 3, to appear in June, will contain
three long-out-of-print Star Wars roleplaying scenarios. The 128-page West
End paperback features a murder/espionage romp on the Mon Calamari
homeworld and costs $18.
☛ In June, White Wolf will release a $22, 192-page players guide
for its Changeling RPG. It has new facts on Native American changelings,
revised magic rules and other stuff.
White Wolf plans five historical settings for its "World of Darkness"
games, starting with Vampire: The Dark Ages this spring. Look for an Old
West Werewolf in 1997.
White Wolf showcases more undead dread in two anthologies. The Art
of Gore ($15) features new tales from Clive Barker and others. Tombs ($6)
has stories by Michael Moorcock, Neil Gaiman, Nancy Collins and Ben Bova.
Ill Met in Lankhmar, a $6 White Wolf paperback, features Fritz Leiber's
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser.
(Gray Mouser takes on
Zorro in "Contest of Cham-
pions" on page 36.)
☛ Test drive TSR's
upcoming Advanced Dun-
geons & Dragons CD-
ROM on America Online
(keyword: TSR). The
product can generate
characters, maps and
monsters and contains
TSR's five most popular
AD&D handbooks.
☛ FPG's June
release uses metallic
printing to showcase art
from the Guardians CCG.
The cards also feature
play hints, killer combos
and background info. There are five Guardians game cards exclusive
to this release.
of Gore ($15) features new tales from Clive Barker and others. Tombs ($6)
has stories by Michael Moorcock, Neil Gaiman, Nancy Collins and Ben Bova.
Ill Met in Lankhmar, a $6 White Wolf paperback, features Fritz Leiber's
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser.
(Gray Mouser takes on
Zorro in "Contest of Cham-
pions" on page 36.)
☛ Test drive TSR's
upcoming Advanced Dun-
geons & Dragons CD-
ROM on America Online
(keyword: TSR). The
product can generate
characters, maps and
monsters and contains
TSR's five most popular
AD&D handbooks.
☛ FPG's June
release uses metallic
printing to showcase art
from the Guardians CCG.
The cards also feature
play hints, killer combos
and background info. There are five Guardians game cards exclusive
to this release.
☛ Knights of the Isles, the first Quest for the Grail expansion from
Stone Ring Games, has been delayed till June.
The Order of the Round Table is Stone Ring's new organization for Quest
for the Grail players. For info write 1416 E. 37th St., Austin, TX 78722.
☛ Thunder Castle Games' cutting-edge Highlander CCG products -
include an expansion, The Watcher's Chronicle, and a strategy book,
Watcher's Field Guide.
☛ The Fantasy Adventures expansion based on the "Wheel of Time"
novels has been delayed till late summer to coincide with the release of
Robert Jordan's newest book.
☛ In June Mayfair is releasing 98 sets of five limited edition Fantasy
Adventures press sheets. Each goes for a cool $250.
☛ "Showdown in New
York" is a 90-minute video-
tape from Wizards of the
Coast covering the first Magic:
The Gathering Pro Tour event
in New York. The $14.95 cas-
sette will keep you up to
speed on the winning tourney
deck strategies. (For news on
the second Pro Tour stop, see
page 24.)
Stone Ring Games, has been delayed till June.
The Order of the Round Table is Stone Ring's new organization for Quest
for the Grail players. For info write 1416 E. 37th St., Austin, TX 78722.
☛ Thunder Castle Games' cutting-edge Highlander CCG products -
include an expansion, The Watcher's Chronicle, and a strategy book,
Watcher's Field Guide.
☛ The Fantasy Adventures expansion based on the "Wheel of Time"
novels has been delayed till late summer to coincide with the release of
Robert Jordan's newest book.
☛ In June Mayfair is releasing 98 sets of five limited edition Fantasy
Adventures press sheets. Each goes for a cool $250.
☛ "Showdown in New
York" is a 90-minute video-
tape from Wizards of the
Coast covering the first Magic:
The Gathering Pro Tour event
in New York. The $14.95 cas-
sette will keep you up to
speed on the winning tourney
deck strategies. (For news on
the second Pro Tour stop, see
page 24.)
Magic: The Puzzling is
$14 book featuring 25 Magic
brain teasers.
French and German ver-
sions of Magic's new Alliances
expansion, the sequel to the
Ice Age stand-alone set, are
being released in June, the
same time the English-lan-
guage edition debuts.
WotC has sold the SLA Industries RPG line to a new Seattle company,
Jageeda Publishing.
☛ "That's no moon!" Parker Bros. gives you a close look at the
Empire's secret weapon in its Star Wars: Death Star Assault board game.
The next Star Trek: The Next Generation Customizable Card Game
expansion, Q-Continuum, has been pushed back till August. Holodeck Adven-
tures will follow in four to six months. The final Next Generation CCG prod-
uct, All Good Things..., will appear before '97 is through.
☛ Art of Mythos presents art and strategies from Chaosium's new CCG.
The $12.95 softcover appears in June.
Bowen Designs is releasing a Cthulhu statue designed by illustrator
Stephen Hickman. Call (503) 786-0548 for more information.
$14 book featuring 25 Magic
brain teasers.
French and German ver-
sions of Magic's new Alliances
expansion, the sequel to the
Ice Age stand-alone set, are
being released in June, the
same time the English-lan-
guage edition debuts.
WotC has sold the SLA Industries RPG line to a new Seattle company,
Jageeda Publishing.
☛ "That's no moon!" Parker Bros. gives you a close look at the
Empire's secret weapon in its Star Wars: Death Star Assault board game.
The next Star Trek: The Next Generation Customizable Card Game
expansion, Q-Continuum, has been pushed back till August. Holodeck Adven-
tures will follow in four to six months. The final Next Generation CCG prod-
uct, All Good Things..., will appear before '97 is through.
☛ Art of Mythos presents art and strategies from Chaosium's new CCG.
The $12.95 softcover appears in June.
Bowen Designs is releasing a Cthulhu statue designed by illustrator
Stephen Hickman. Call (503) 786-0548 for more information.
☛ New GURPS products from Steve Jackson Games include GURPS
Dinosaurs and GURPS Compendium I: Character Creation.
Some INWO: Assassins packs contained identical common cards. Oth-
ers had identical uncommon cards. Finally, some cards were printed with
the wrong backs. For questions or replacements call (512) 447-7866.
SJG credits the INWO CCG for pushing its 1995 sales over $3 million
for the first time ever.
☛ The 1996 Gen Con Game Fair will be held at the Wisconsin Cen-
ter (formerly MECCA) Aug. 8-11. For registration information call (414)
248-3525 and ask for Gen Con or e-mail TSRInc@aol.com.
☛ Wanna be a hero? With the coupon from the WildStorms Player's
Guide, a photo of yourself and $19.95 you can become a member of
WildC.A.T.s, StormWatch, Gen13 or WetWorks.
☛ How'd you like to have a Battlechimp Potemkin on your back?
For info on Shadowfist T-shirts write Digitech International, 1110 Hamilton
St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6B 2S2.