InQuest 20 - 58 - Game Breakers - X-Files CCG: Mention
Betazoid Gift Box
Type: Artifact
Text: Immediately look through
your draw deck for up to 30 seconds and
choose three cards to place in your hand.
Reshuffle draw deck and discard artifact.
Jason Winter, Decipher's
Head Net Rep for Star Trek:
The Next Generation, opened
the lid of this flat-faced won-
der and revealed the power
that lurks inside.
"Betazoid Gift Box allows
you to take any three cards out
of your draw deck and put
them into your hand," Winter
explains. The impact of this
card really hits home when its
ability is translated into Magic-
speak: According to Winter,
playing the Box "is kinda like a
Demonic Tutor Forked twice."
Betazoid Gift Box
Type: Artifact
Text: Immediately look through
your draw deck for up to 30 seconds and
choose three cards to place in your hand.
Reshuffle draw deck and discard artifact.
Jason Winter, Decipher's
Head Net Rep for Star Trek:
The Next Generation, opened
the lid of this flat-faced won-
der and revealed the power
that lurks inside.
"Betazoid Gift Box allows
you to take any three cards out
of your draw deck and put
them into your hand," Winter
explains. The impact of this
card really hits home when its
ability is translated into Magic-
speak: According to Winter,
playing the Box "is kinda like a
Demonic Tutor Forked twice."
"Basically, you can build a
three-card combo into your
deck and get everything you
need to set it up in one play,"
Winter adds. Combos which
would normally require mul-
tiple turns and a lot of luck can
become almost instantaneous.
For example, Captain's Log
gives bonuses to the stats of a
ship in play if you can get the
right Captain onto that ship.
Just use the Box to pull the
ship, the appropriate Captain
and the Log, and you're all set.
Hmmm...methinks very
little more has to be said.
Deep Throat
Type: Event
Keywords: Event, Question
Activators: Active
Cost: 5 RP
Text: Ask any one Characteris-
tic question regarding one opponent's
X-File. Remove this card from the game.
The effects of this card may not be negated.
three-card combo into your
deck and get everything you
need to set it up in one play,"
Winter adds. Combos which
would normally require mul-
tiple turns and a lot of luck can
become almost instantaneous.
For example, Captain's Log
gives bonuses to the stats of a
ship in play if you can get the
right Captain onto that ship.
Just use the Box to pull the
ship, the appropriate Captain
and the Log, and you're all set.
Hmmm...methinks very
little more has to be said.
Deep Throat
Type: Event
Keywords: Event, Question
Activators: Active
Cost: 5 RP
Text: Ask any one Characteris-
tic question regarding one opponent's
X-File. Remove this card from the game.
The effects of this card may not be negated.
Deep Throat, which enables
you to ask your opponent any ques-
tion, is sure to be a popular card.
X-Files, the card game, is all
about gathering information.
Your goal is to learn what your
opponent's X-File is. An X-File
is comprised of an Affiliation,
Motive, Method and Result,
and you usually figure these
things out via a Clue-like
process of elimination.
The only time you get to ask
a question (like, "Is your X-File's
Motive Survival?") is when
you've completed an investi-
gation at a site, and you can
only do this if you have the right
kind of agents there and then
only if your opponent doesn't
play a card that prevents you
from asking questions.
you to ask your opponent any ques-
tion, is sure to be a popular card.
X-Files, the card game, is all
about gathering information.
Your goal is to learn what your
opponent's X-File is. An X-File
is comprised of an Affiliation,
Motive, Method and Result,
and you usually figure these
things out via a Clue-like
process of elimination.
The only time you get to ask
a question (like, "Is your X-File's
Motive Survival?") is when
you've completed an investi-
gation at a site, and you can
only do this if you have the right
kind of agents there and then
only if your opponent doesn't
play a card that prevents you
from asking questions.
Deep Throat does away with
all that rubbish. If you haven't
won, then you need informa-
tion, so you'll always want this
card-it only takes around six
questions to win a game. While
the rules won't let you stuff your
deck full of Deep Throats, every-
body will want two of these (the
legal limit) in a deck.
Gaia's Vengeance
Type: Gift
Gnosis: 9
Usable By: A Red Talon, Philodox or
Lupus character engaged in combat with an
opponent from the Hunting Grounds.
Text: Does 10 points of damage
to any one target.
In a game where the object
is kill, kill, kill, no card does the
job better than Gaia's
Vengeance. For a cost of - well,
nothing - you can slam just
about any enemy or Garou into
the ground. And unlike the big-
time combat cards like Mangle,
you can use Gaia's Vengeance
before your opponent has a
chance to play combat cards on
your Garou.
all that rubbish. If you haven't
won, then you need informa-
tion, so you'll always want this
card-it only takes around six
questions to win a game. While
the rules won't let you stuff your
deck full of Deep Throats, every-
body will want two of these (the
legal limit) in a deck.
Gaia's Vengeance
Type: Gift
Gnosis: 9
Usable By: A Red Talon, Philodox or
Lupus character engaged in combat with an
opponent from the Hunting Grounds.
Text: Does 10 points of damage
to any one target.
In a game where the object
is kill, kill, kill, no card does the
job better than Gaia's
Vengeance. For a cost of - well,
nothing - you can slam just
about any enemy or Garou into
the ground. And unlike the big-
time combat cards like Mangle,
you can use Gaia's Vengeance
before your opponent has a
chance to play combat cards on
your Garou.
The only drawback is that
you need a character with a 9
Gnosis or higher, but is that so
tough? Since you have almost
full control over your starting
pack members, it's not too hard
to make the Vengeance fit into
your deck.
With a Sneak Attack, you
can play one of your own ene-
mies and then immediately
trash it. It's no wonder Rage
designer Justin Achilli said, "I'm
thinking of renaming it Nine
Free Victory Points."
Nabrun Leids
Type: Used Interrupt
Destiny Number: 4
Text: Any or all of your char-
acters at one site may attempt fo hire trans-
port to any one other site. Draw destiny to
determine Nabrun's asking price. Accept
transport by using that much Force. Decline
transport and Nabrun leaves (to Lost Pile).
you need a character with a 9
Gnosis or higher, but is that so
tough? Since you have almost
full control over your starting
pack members, it's not too hard
to make the Vengeance fit into
your deck.
With a Sneak Attack, you
can play one of your own ene-
mies and then immediately
trash it. It's no wonder Rage
designer Justin Achilli said, "I'm
thinking of renaming it Nine
Free Victory Points."
Nabrun Leids
Type: Used Interrupt
Destiny Number: 4
Text: Any or all of your char-
acters at one site may attempt fo hire trans-
port to any one other site. Draw destiny to
determine Nabrun's asking price. Accept
transport by using that much Force. Decline
transport and Nabrun leaves (to Lost Pile).
Who needs starships and
landspeeders? Draw destiny,
pay that amount of Force and
have Nabrun Leids (an uncom-
mon used interrupt) teleport
your heroes all over the galaxy.
With 15 or 20 copies of Nabrun
(or his Dark Side counterpart,
Elis Helrot), you can hit a bunch
of your opponent's undefended
locations, Force-drain him, pick
an opportune battle, then zip
away to safety.
landspeeders? Draw destiny,
pay that amount of Force and
have Nabrun Leids (an uncom-
mon used interrupt) teleport
your heroes all over the galaxy.
With 15 or 20 copies of Nabrun
(or his Dark Side counterpart,
Elis Helrot), you can hit a bunch
of your opponent's undefended
locations, Force-drain him, pick
an opportune battle, then zip
away to safety.
A Nabrun deck needs little
more than a single kick-ass char-
acter - say, Obi-Wan with a
Lightsaber - and bunches of
locations that hit your oppo-
nent with heavy Force drains.
Your only worry is the four
"magic bullet" cards that the
Star Wars designers introduced
in the first expansion, A New
Hope. Grappling Hook and Ten-
tacle let your opponent retrofit
any Interrupt to be unique. Two
other cards, There'll Be Hell to
Pay and What Are You Trying
to Push on Us, add a cumulative
cost to any given Interrupt.
There's no way to get rid of
these once they hit the table.