InQuest 22 - 46 - X-Files CCG: Feature
bat cards, equipment and
witnesses. Witness and
equipment cards usually add
to a skill check. When witness
and equipment cards are included in your
deck, make sure that the skill they add to is
one your agents will utilize. The point of these
cards is to allow the possibility of investigating two sites in one
turn, not simply reinforcing all of your agents at one site.
Specifically defensive cards include adversaries and bluffs, although
combat cards and events can also fall into this category. Adversaries
affect opponents by inflicting damage during combat and sending
agents to the hospital, where they cannot contribute to a skill check.
Bluffs normally subtract from a skill check outright. These cards uti-
lize two different methods to stop the opponent. Adversary cards are
usually keyed to the type of question on a site card, so be sure to
include adversaries that can be used on different site types. Make sure
you've got enough adversaries in your deck to make a difference. If
you don't, you'll be giving your opponent a free ride.
The X-Files Collectible Card Game is, at present, unlike any other
CCG on the market. Your success hinges not only upon the power
of the cards in your deck, but your own ability to play the odds
and eliminate choices until only one answer remains. This pro-
vides for virtually limitless deck construction combinations and
varied game play. So, as you head out into the field, remember
this...the truth is out there. Case closed.
witnesses. Witness and
equipment cards usually add
to a skill check. When witness
and equipment cards are included in your
deck, make sure that the skill they add to is
one your agents will utilize. The point of these
cards is to allow the possibility of investigating two sites in one
turn, not simply reinforcing all of your agents at one site.
Specifically defensive cards include adversaries and bluffs, although
combat cards and events can also fall into this category. Adversaries
affect opponents by inflicting damage during combat and sending
agents to the hospital, where they cannot contribute to a skill check.
Bluffs normally subtract from a skill check outright. These cards uti-
lize two different methods to stop the opponent. Adversary cards are
usually keyed to the type of question on a site card, so be sure to
include adversaries that can be used on different site types. Make sure
you've got enough adversaries in your deck to make a difference. If
you don't, you'll be giving your opponent a free ride.
The X-Files Collectible Card Game is, at present, unlike any other
CCG on the market. Your success hinges not only upon the power
of the cards in your deck, but your own ability to play the odds
and eliminate choices until only one answer remains. This pro-
vides for virtually limitless deck construction combinations and
varied game play. So, as you head out into the field, remember
this...the truth is out there. Case closed.
Aside from being a full-time student and employee of NXT Games, Andy Graumann enjoys
softball, bowling, video arcade game collecting, camping, fishing, golf and solving X-
Files. Unfortuantely, he's only good at the last one and no one believes him anyway.
The Card
The Card to Get
Deep Throat
Without a doubt, the card to get for the X-Files CCG
is the event card Deep Throat. In the "X-Files" tele-
vision show, Deep Throat consistently provided help-
ful information to Agent Fox Mulder until his untimely
death at the end of the first season. True to the series,
the Deep Throat event card allows the player to ask
a free characteristic question of choice regarding the
opponent's X-File, thus providing helpful informa-
tion. This card cannot be negated. For the collectors
out there, it is also Ultra-Rare. However, again true
to the series, the Deep Throat card will soon meet its
"death." All ultra-rare cards will be replaced between
the release of subsequent editions, so this card will
only be available once.
The Playing Field
softball, bowling, video arcade game collecting, camping, fishing, golf and solving X-
Files. Unfortuantely, he's only good at the last one and no one believes him anyway.
The Card
The Card to Get
Deep Throat
Without a doubt, the card to get for the X-Files CCG
is the event card Deep Throat. In the "X-Files" tele-
vision show, Deep Throat consistently provided help-
ful information to Agent Fox Mulder until his untimely
death at the end of the first season. True to the series,
the Deep Throat event card allows the player to ask
a free characteristic question of choice regarding the
opponent's X-File, thus providing helpful informa-
tion. This card cannot be negated. For the collectors
out there, it is also Ultra-Rare. However, again true
to the series, the Deep Throat card will soon meet its
"death." All ultra-rare cards will be replaced between
the release of subsequent editions, so this card will
only be available once.
The Playing Field
1. X-File. This is your Super-secret X-File card. Shhh!!!
2. Bureau Deck. Your custom-crafted sleuthing deck.
3. Discard Pile. Where your cards go when you're done
with 'em.
4. Site Card. The scene of the crime - if your agents suc-
cessfully pass the site's skill check, you may ask your
opponent a question about the nature of his X-File.
5. Agents in the Field. These little agents went out into
the field to investigate a site.
6. Agent in the Bureau. This little agent stayed home.
7. Agent in the Hospital. This little agent cried "wee-
wee-wee" 'cause he had to stay in the hospital until he
felt better. (Or at least until he removed a couple of
those damage tokens.)
8. Resource Pool. The amount of RP you have to thwart
your opponent's schemes by revealing his X-File.
9. Corruption Pool. The amount of CP you have to thwart
your opponent's schemes by pounding on his agents.