InQuest 28 - 8 - Letters to the editors - X-Files CCG Mention
Files poster with Agent Mulder on one
side and Agent Scully on the other.
Aren't there enough X-Files fans to jus-
tify your splurging on a poster big
enough to show both faces on the same
side? Or better yet, two posters, one for
each agent?
I have to say that the pictures them-
selves are great. But unfortunately I can-
not display them. I cannot choose one
side over the other, and I will not pay for
two copies of the magazine.
You have made an otherwise col-
lectable item worthless. I hope that you
will not repeat this mistake again in the
future. Shame, shame, shame!
Patricia Finch
Dayton, OH
Grandma: Ricky Boy, please don't take my
X-Files poster!
Me: Sorry, Grandma. But Patricia Finch needs
it more than you do.
Grandma: But it so brightens up things here in
the chemotherapy ward!
Me: Whiner.
side and Agent Scully on the other.
Aren't there enough X-Files fans to jus-
tify your splurging on a poster big
enough to show both faces on the same
side? Or better yet, two posters, one for
each agent?
I have to say that the pictures them-
selves are great. But unfortunately I can-
not display them. I cannot choose one
side over the other, and I will not pay for
two copies of the magazine.
You have made an otherwise col-
lectable item worthless. I hope that you
will not repeat this mistake again in the
future. Shame, shame, shame!
Patricia Finch
Dayton, OH
Grandma: Ricky Boy, please don't take my
X-Files poster!
Me: Sorry, Grandma. But Patricia Finch needs
it more than you do.
Grandma: But it so brightens up things here in
the chemotherapy ward!
Me: Whiner.