Scrye 14 - 12 - X-Files CCG, NXT Games & Donruss: Mention - X-Files CCG, Top of the Order
Card Collector Confidential
White Wolf announced that coming in July
will be their second collectible card game,
Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt - The Changeling
Adventure Card Game. Different from other card
games, Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt will introduce
new concepts that expand the genre.
You develop a character who grows stronger
and more experienced as you play. Your goal is to
build a character who will eventually be able to
complete the Wyld Hunt. There are thousands of
small adventures to have, but they all add up to a
sweeping event.
A single card describes the rules. The players'
level of skill provides numerous levels of diffi-
culty. There are no Starter decks in Arcadia: The
Wyld Hunt. Players buy a Character Booster
($2.50) and a Story Booster ($2.50), and they are
ready to begin the hunt. There are 24 packs of 15
cards per box ($60). There will be only two
sequels, rather than an unending number of
expansion sets.
White Wolf announced that coming in July
will be their second collectible card game,
Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt - The Changeling
Adventure Card Game. Different from other card
games, Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt will introduce
new concepts that expand the genre.
You develop a character who grows stronger
and more experienced as you play. Your goal is to
build a character who will eventually be able to
complete the Wyld Hunt. There are thousands of
small adventures to have, but they all add up to a
sweeping event.
A single card describes the rules. The players'
level of skill provides numerous levels of diffi-
culty. There are no Starter decks in Arcadia: The
Wyld Hunt. Players buy a Character Booster
($2.50) and a Story Booster ($2.50), and they are
ready to begin the hunt. There are 24 packs of 15
cards per box ($60). There will be only two
sequels, rather than an unending number of
expansion sets.
Legacy of the Tribes, the largest and most
diverse Rage expansion to date, marks the return
of several of the most popular characters from
Werewolf: the Apocalypse and previous Rage
releases. Look for this third Rage expansion in
White Wolf also announced that an air time
and date for the Vampire: The Masquerade-based
weekly television series has been determined. The
series will kick off with a two-hour movie on the
Fox Network at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2. Eight
one-hour episodes will then air on Wednesday
nights at 9 p.m. beginning Wednesday, April 3.
Kindred: The Embraced is a weekly horror
drama based on the Vampire: The Masquerade
storytelling game and fiction setting (which is
also the setting for the Jyhad/Vampire: The Eternal
Struggle CCG) and is produced by Spelling
Entertainment. The series focuses on the
Machiavellian aspects of the vampire underworld
presented in Vampire: The Masquerade, exploring
the activities and turmoil of five of the 13 clans
outlined in White Wolf's gothic-horror setting.
Those clans include the Toreadors, Ventrue,
Brujah, Nosferatu and Gangrels.
diverse Rage expansion to date, marks the return
of several of the most popular characters from
Werewolf: the Apocalypse and previous Rage
releases. Look for this third Rage expansion in
White Wolf also announced that an air time
and date for the Vampire: The Masquerade-based
weekly television series has been determined. The
series will kick off with a two-hour movie on the
Fox Network at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2. Eight
one-hour episodes will then air on Wednesday
nights at 9 p.m. beginning Wednesday, April 3.
Kindred: The Embraced is a weekly horror
drama based on the Vampire: The Masquerade
storytelling game and fiction setting (which is
also the setting for the Jyhad/Vampire: The Eternal
Struggle CCG) and is produced by Spelling
Entertainment. The series focuses on the
Machiavellian aspects of the vampire underworld
presented in Vampire: The Masquerade, exploring
the activities and turmoil of five of the 13 clans
outlined in White Wolf's gothic-horror setting.
Those clans include the Toreadors, Ventrue,
Brujah, Nosferatu and Gangrels.
Mark Rein-Hagen, White Wolf's Creative
Director and creator of Vampire: The Masquerade,
is a producer and writer for the series. John Leekly
serves as the Co-Executive Producer and Creator
of the series. C. Thomas Howell (The Outsiders,
Red Dawn, Secret Admirer) stars as San Francisco
detective Frank Kohanek, who penetrates the
vampire society. British actor Mark Frankel
(Fortune Hunter, Sisters) stars as Julian, the city's
Ventrue vampiric prince.
The X-Files CCG will be released in a Limited
Edition set with an Unlimited Edition appearing
later in the year. The card set will be comparable
in size to some of the other CCG sets
that have been released
(around 300 cards). Players
will be able to play one-on-
one or multi-player games.
The idea behind the
game is that there are hidden
forces behind certain events,
and your team of Agents is
trying to determine who those
forces (called Conspirators)
are. You will be able to assem-
ble a team of FBI Agents and send them to Sites
to search for clues. Witnesses and Events will aid
or hinder your progress. If you are successful at
investigating a Site, you will be able to question
your opponent and try to gain information that
will help you determine who the Conspirator is.
The first player to determine his opponent's
Conspirator wins the game.
Director and creator of Vampire: The Masquerade,
is a producer and writer for the series. John Leekly
serves as the Co-Executive Producer and Creator
of the series. C. Thomas Howell (The Outsiders,
Red Dawn, Secret Admirer) stars as San Francisco
detective Frank Kohanek, who penetrates the
vampire society. British actor Mark Frankel
(Fortune Hunter, Sisters) stars as Julian, the city's
Ventrue vampiric prince.
The X-Files CCG will be released in a Limited
Edition set with an Unlimited Edition appearing
later in the year. The card set will be comparable
in size to some of the other CCG sets
that have been released
(around 300 cards). Players
will be able to play one-on-
one or multi-player games.
The idea behind the
game is that there are hidden
forces behind certain events,
and your team of Agents is
trying to determine who those
forces (called Conspirators)
are. You will be able to assem-
ble a team of FBI Agents and send them to Sites
to search for clues. Witnesses and Events will aid
or hinder your progress. If you are successful at
investigating a Site, you will be able to question
your opponent and try to gain information that
will help you determine who the Conspirator is.
The first player to determine his opponent's
Conspirator wins the game.
Coming in June is the 270-card Top Of The
Order '96. It comes in Starter decks, Deluxe
Starter sets and Booster packs. This new edition
features re-written rules in four different levels of
sophistication. For the fan whose level of interest
is total, there is just as much flavor, subtlety,
nuance and control as before. For the novice, the
components have been toned down into a Basic
version that is fun, quick, lively, entertaining, and
easy to learn to play. After the Basic rules comes
Intermediate, Advanced and Optional rules as
In addition to improving what they had
before, Donruss and NXT Games are making
many changes to the game based upon the last
few months of playtesting, hard work, and com-
ments from current players. A new method of
comparing pitchers and batters will be imple-
mented so as to allow all Top Of The Order cards
Order '96. It comes in Starter decks, Deluxe
Starter sets and Booster packs. This new edition
features re-written rules in four different levels of
sophistication. For the fan whose level of interest
is total, there is just as much flavor, subtlety,
nuance and control as before. For the novice, the
components have been toned down into a Basic
version that is fun, quick, lively, entertaining, and
easy to learn to play. After the Basic rules comes
Intermediate, Advanced and Optional rules as
In addition to improving what they had
before, Donruss and NXT Games are making
many changes to the game based upon the last
few months of playtesting, hard work, and com-
ments from current players. A new method of
comparing pitchers and batters will be imple-
mented so as to allow all Top Of The Order cards
to be usable in the
"Legends of the
Game" set that will be
coming out later. A
quick list of some of
these changes include:
• There will
be a new
chart used
only in the
Basic Game.
• The chart
that players
are aiready
with will be
larger and formatted differ-
ently, making it easier to
• The cards will have a new look, with some
icons changed and other icons completely new.
• A new set of rules will be added to create even
more realism for pitcher fatigue and recovery.
• Tournament and League rules will be included.
There are also new Special Play cards as well
as updated player statistics based on the 1995
season. For all of the people who have said,
"Hey, this guy's '95 season was great; when will
his card reflect it?" The answer is, "Now!"
"Legends of the
Game" set that will be
coming out later. A
quick list of some of
these changes include:
• There will
be a new
chart used
only in the
Basic Game.
• The chart
that players
are aiready
with will be
larger and formatted differ-
ently, making it easier to
• The cards will have a new look, with some
icons changed and other icons completely new.
• A new set of rules will be added to create even
more realism for pitcher fatigue and recovery.
• Tournament and League rules will be included.
There are also new Special Play cards as well
as updated player statistics based on the 1995
season. For all of the people who have said,
"Hey, this guy's '95 season was great; when will
his card reflect it?" The answer is, "Now!"
Coming in October is the tenth Magic: The
Gathering expansion, Mirage. It is a stand-alone
expansion (like Ice Age), set in the Tropical set-
ting of Jamuraa, on the
equator of Dominaria.
Teferi's Isle, off the coast
of Jamurraa, disappears
after a wizard's time experiment goes wrong -
more than 100 years pass and the island reap-
pears - its inhabitants are horrified by the unrest
that's erupted in the land while they've been
gone - war soon breaks out...
Over 300 new cards make up Mirage. Mirage
introduces new rules variants as a well as a spe-
cial series of collectible cards in the set.
Decipher announced at the New York Toy Fair
that there will be three Empire Strikes Back
expansions and two Return of the Jedi expan-
sions, bringing the total number of Star Wars
expansions planned
to seven. New Hope
will arrive in June fol-
lowed by Empire
Strikes Back: Hoth in
October. Retailers
wishing to hold Star
Wars tournaments
should contact
Decipher on-line at Jedimaster@Decipher.com
(or call 804-623-3600) for complete information
on running a Star Wars CCG tournament.
Coming in October is the tenth Magic: The
Gathering expansion, Mirage. It is a stand-alone
expansion (like Ice Age), set in the Tropical set-
ting of Jamuraa, on the
equator of Dominaria.
Teferi's Isle, off the coast
of Jamurraa, disappears
after a wizard's time experiment goes wrong -
more than 100 years pass and the island reap-
pears - its inhabitants are horrified by the unrest
that's erupted in the land while they've been
gone - war soon breaks out...
Over 300 new cards make up Mirage. Mirage
introduces new rules variants as a well as a spe-
cial series of collectible cards in the set.
Decipher announced at the New York Toy Fair
that there will be three Empire Strikes Back
expansions and two Return of the Jedi expan-
sions, bringing the total number of Star Wars
expansions planned
to seven. New Hope
will arrive in June fol-
lowed by Empire
Strikes Back: Hoth in
October. Retailers
wishing to hold Star
Wars tournaments
should contact
Decipher on-line at Jedimaster@Decipher.com
(or call 804-623-3600) for complete information
on running a Star Wars CCG tournament.
Decipher has also decided to introduce an
additional expansion set to its Star Trek: The Next
Generation CCG called "All Good Things...". Due
out in late 1997, this fourth expansion set will
deliver cards that weave together and conclude
plot threads and story lines begun in the first
three expansion sets.