Scrye 16 - 8 - X-Files CCG: Mention
As we go to press, Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back:
Hoth, X-Files, DC OverPower, Dicemaster, Proteus, and
Star Trek: TNG Q-Continuum are all coming out in
September, which also happens to be the worst month
of the year for retailers in the gaming field. The manu-
facturers know this, but given the choice of coming
out in September, or in October when WotC's Mirage
is released, they've all opted for September.
So, SCRYE would like to wave its Magic Wand and
have gamers everywhere actually visit their favorite
stores to buy products in the normally dead month of
If you've been wondering why you've heard so little about
the X-Files CCG, it's because Donruss, the company that had the
license, has been
broken up and sold
off. There was a tug-
of-war for it among
several large compa-
nies, with USPC com-
ing out on top. The
game is now sched-
uled for a late
September release (the
first shipment, anyway).
As we go to press, Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back:
Hoth, X-Files, DC OverPower, Dicemaster, Proteus, and
Star Trek: TNG Q-Continuum are all coming out in
September, which also happens to be the worst month
of the year for retailers in the gaming field. The manu-
facturers know this, but given the choice of coming
out in September, or in October when WotC's Mirage
is released, they've all opted for September.
So, SCRYE would like to wave its Magic Wand and
have gamers everywhere actually visit their favorite
stores to buy products in the normally dead month of
If you've been wondering why you've heard so little about
the X-Files CCG, it's because Donruss, the company that had the
license, has been
broken up and sold
off. There was a tug-
of-war for it among
several large compa-
nies, with USPC com-
ing out on top. The
game is now sched-
uled for a late
September release (the
first shipment, anyway).
On the sidelines, NXT Games, who has been developing the
game amidst the chaos, looks to be on target to deliver a very
polished game for USPC. For more gameplay details, check out
the rules in this issue!