Scrye 18 - 108 - X-Files CCG: Mention
by Ron Kent
Card Spotlight: The Cigarette-
Smoking Man Strikes
The most powerful Conspiracy
cards in the game usually have a lot
of Activators listed and that means
that they are difficult to get into play.
The Cigarette-Smoking Man Strikes
card removes that problem by allow-
ing the Conspiracy player to change
the Keywords of cards in play. For
instance, most Adversaries are keyed
to Sites with a certain question type
included in their Keywords. The
Activators for the Deadly Blur card
are Conspiracy, Motive and Site.
The Conspiracy condition is in
effect whenever you are the
Conspiracy player. In this
instance, only the question
type might stop you from
playing the Deadly Blur on a
Site. That's where The
Cigarette-Smoking Man
Strikes card comes into play.
If the Site card in play has
the word "Result" in the
Keywords, by playing The
Cigarette-Smoking Man
Strikes you could change
the word "Result" to the
word "Motive", thus allow-
ing the Deadly Blur to be played.
by Ron Kent
Card Spotlight: The Cigarette-
Smoking Man Strikes
The most powerful Conspiracy
cards in the game usually have a lot
of Activators listed and that means
that they are difficult to get into play.
The Cigarette-Smoking Man Strikes
card removes that problem by allow-
ing the Conspiracy player to change
the Keywords of cards in play. For
instance, most Adversaries are keyed
to Sites with a certain question type
included in their Keywords. The
Activators for the Deadly Blur card
are Conspiracy, Motive and Site.
The Conspiracy condition is in
effect whenever you are the
Conspiracy player. In this
instance, only the question
type might stop you from
playing the Deadly Blur on a
Site. That's where The
Cigarette-Smoking Man
Strikes card comes into play.
If the Site card in play has
the word "Result" in the
Keywords, by playing The
Cigarette-Smoking Man
Strikes you could change
the word "Result" to the
word "Motive", thus allow-
ing the Deadly Blur to be played.
A more direct use of the card
would be to change the Keyword
Site to Evidence Collection and then
play The Conundrum to negate the
Site completely! As you can see,
including The Cigarette-Smoking Man
Strikes card in your deck will make
your Conspiracy cards much more
Computer Access Denied
would be to change the Keyword
Site to Evidence Collection and then
play The Conundrum to negate the
Site completely! As you can see,
including The Cigarette-Smoking Man
Strikes card in your deck will make
your Conspiracy cards much more
Computer Access Denied
First, play the Computer Access
Denied card to force the Team to
make a Computer 4+ skill check or
be unable to complete a skill check.
(I would probably pick the Site Pre-
requisite skill check.) This card
is easy to play because its only
Activator is Conspiracy and it only
costs 2 C.P. Follow
this card up with the
Adversary card Living
Machine, which has
only two Activators,
Conspiracy and Com-
puter and it costs 6
C.P. The Conspiracy
Activa-tor is a given
and the Computer
Activator is provided
by the Computer
Access Denied card
you just played. Now
take out the Agent
with the highest Computer skill and
this investigation is doomed!