Previous Card XF96-0264v1 - THE ERLENMEYER FLASK


Rare Bureau File Number: XF96-0264v1
Edition: Premiere
Rarity: Rare
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event, Negate, Alien Investigation, Bureaucracy
Activators: Active
Event Effects: Negates any one card played against your Team during a BUREAUCRACY or ALIEN INVESTIGATION skill check.
Cost: 4 RP
Episode: The Erlenmeyer Flask (1X23) - Season 1
Quote: Scully: "What do they have there?"
Deep Throat: "The wellspring, Miss Scully, the original tissue. It could save his life." - Deep Throat formulates a plan to free Mulder in exchange for the alien tissue.
Premiere Only: True
  • Premiere Booster Packs
  • Premiere Starter Decks (Loose)
