Keyword 'BUREAUCRACY' (37 Cards)

Edition Bureau File Number Title Suit Rarity
Gen Con XF96-0014 GCon U.F.O Wreckage, Townsend WI. Site Demonstration
Promo PR97-0012-COM NOT ON THE MENU Event Promo
Premiere XF96-0045v1 Ellens Air Base, ID Site Rare
Premiere XF96-0067v1 U.F.O. Wreckage, Townsend, WI Site Rare
Premiere XF96-0068v1 Mattawa, WA Site Common
Premiere XF96-0080v1 Eurisko Building, Crystal City, VA Site Uncommon
Premiere XF96-0081v1 Folkstone, NC Site Uncommon
Premiere XF96-0201v1 Michelle Generoo Witness Rare
Premiere XF96-0202v1 Sir Malcolm Marsden Witness Common
Premiere XF96-0220v1 Senator Richard Matheson Witness Rare
Premiere XF96-0234v1 RED TAPE Event Rare
Premiere XF96-0255v1 EXPEDITE REQUEST FOR RESOURCES Event Uncommon
Premiere XF96-0260v1 SMOKE SCREEN Event Uncommon
Premiere XF96-0264v1 THE ERLENMEYER FLASK Event Rare
Premiere XF96-0276v1 BLACKMAIL Event Rare
Premiere XF96-0294v1 ASSIGNED TO THE X-FILES Event Rare
Premiere XF96-0310v1 DECREASED WORKLOAD Event Uncommon
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0045v2 Ellens Air Base, ID Site Uncommon
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0067v2 U.F.O. Wreckage, Townsend, WI Site Rare
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0068v2 Mattawa, WA Site Common
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0080v2 Eurisko Building, Crystal City, VA Site Uncommon
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0081v2 Folkstone, NC Site Uncommon
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0202v2 Sir Malcolm Marsden Witness Common
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0220v2 Senator Richard Matheson Witness Rare
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0234v2 RED TAPE Event Rare
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0255v2 EXPEDITE REQUEST FOR RESOURCES Event Uncommon
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0260v2 SMOKE SCREEN Event Uncommon
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0276v2 BLACKMAIL Event Rare
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0294v2 ASSIGNED TO THE X-FILES Event Rare
The Truth Is Out There XF97-0310v2 DECREASED WORKLOAD Event Uncommon
101361 XF97-0468x1 Braddock Heights, Maryland Site Common
101361 XF97-0482x1 Detective Havez Witness Common
101361 XF97-0492x1 General Thomas Callahan Witness Rare
101361 XF97-0500x1 Parmelly Witness Common
101361 XF97-0502x1 Sammon Roque Witness Uncommon
Card XF96-0014 GCon - U.F.O Wreckage, Townsend WI.Card PR97-0012-COM - NOT ON THE MENUCard XF96-0045v1 - Ellens Air Base, IDCard XF96-0067v1 - U.F.O. Wreckage, Townsend, WICard XF96-0068v1 - Mattawa, WACard XF96-0080v1 - Eurisko Building, Crystal City, VACard XF96-0081v1 - Folkstone, NCCard XF96-0201v1 - Michelle GenerooCard XF96-0202v1 - Sir Malcolm MarsdenCard XF96-0220v1 - Senator Richard MathesonCard XF96-0234v1 - RED TAPECard XF96-0255v1 - EXPEDITE REQUEST FOR RESOURCESCard XF96-0260v1 - SMOKE SCREENCard XF96-0264v1 - THE ERLENMEYER FLASKCard XF96-0276v1 - BLACKMAILCard XF96-0279v1 - APPLICATION FOR FBI RESOURCES APPROVEDCard XF96-0294v1 - ASSIGNED TO THE X-FILESCard XF96-0310v1 - DECREASED WORKLOADCard XF97-0045v2 - Ellens Air Base, IDCard XF97-0067v2 - U.F.O. Wreckage, Townsend, WICard XF97-0068v2 - Mattawa, WACard XF97-0080v2 - Eurisko Building, Crystal City, VACard XF97-0081v2 - Folkstone, NCCard XF97-0202v2 - Sir Malcolm MarsdenCard XF97-0220v2 - Senator Richard MathesonCard XF97-0234v2 - RED TAPECard XF97-0255v2 - EXPEDITE REQUEST FOR RESOURCESCard XF97-0260v2 - SMOKE SCREENCard XF97-0276v2 - BLACKMAILCard XF97-0279v2 - APPLICATION FOR FBI RESOURCES APPROVEDCard XF97-0294v2 - ASSIGNED TO THE X-FILESCard XF97-0310v2 - DECREASED WORKLOADCard XF97-0468x1 - Braddock Heights, MarylandCard XF97-0482x1 - Detective HavezCard XF97-0492x1 - General Thomas CallahanCard XF97-0500x1 - ParmellyCard XF97-0502x1 - Sammon Roque