Rare Bureau File Number: XF97-0276v2Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Rare
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event, Bureaucracy, Question
Activators: Active
Event Effects: Play when you have just guessed incorrectly the identity of an X‐File. Select a Team in your Bureau. If that Team successfully completes a BUREAUCRACY 4+ skill check, your opponent does not get to ask you a penalty question.
Cost: 1 RP
Episode: One Breath (2X08) - Season 2
Quote: "Don't worry, this will be our secret. We wouldn't want others to start rumors." - The Cigarette-Smoking Man
Alternate: XF96-0276v1
- The Truth Is Out There Booster Packs
- The Truth Is Out There Starter Decks (Loose)