Previous Card XF97-0310v2 - DECREASED WORKLOAD


Uncommon Bureau File Number: XF97-0310v2
Edition: The Truth Is Out There
Rarity: Uncommon
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: Yes
Keywords: Event, Bureaucracy
Activators: Active, Briefing
Event Effects: Play during the Briefing Phase. One Team in the Bureau may make a BUREAUCRACY 4+ skill check. If successful, choose one Agent. The Agent now has a RES number equal to the Agent's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION skill during the next Briefing Phase. Place this card below the Agent to remind you of the increased skill.
Cost: 1 RP
Episode: The Host (2X02) - Season 2
Quote: "Agent Scully and I might have been able to save that man's life, but you shut us down." - Mulder to Skinner
Alternate: XF96-0310v1
  • The Truth Is Out There Booster Packs
  • The Truth Is Out There Starter Decks (Loose)
