Agent Bill Patterson
Rare Bureau File Number: XF97-0396x1Edition: 101361
Rarity: Rare
Suit: Agent
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Agent, FBI, Law, Neutral, Believer
Name: Bill Patterson
Biographical Information: Agent Patterson is in charge of the Investigative Support Unit out of Quantico. Even though Patterson and Mulder clashed while Mulder was his student in Behavioral Studies, Patterson believes Mulder to be the best behavioral profiler in the Bureau.
Game Effect: Once per game, Agent Patterson may attack any Team investigating a Site as if he were an Adversary with the appropriate Activators. If a card is played that Negates him, he is placed back into his controller's Field. If he is reduced to zero HEALTH, he is removed from the game.
Behavioral: 3
Criminal Investigation: 3
Evidence Collection: 3
Observation: 2
Occult Investigation: 1
Subterfuge: 1
Long Range Combat: 2
Close Range Combat: 3
Health: 5
RES: 2
Cost: 6 RP
Episode: Grotesque (3X14) - Season 3
- 101361 Booster Packs