Agent Danny Pendrell
Rare Bureau File Number: XF97-0397x1Edition: 101361
Rarity: Rare
Suit: Agent
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Agent, FBI, Law, Believer
Name: Danny Pendrell
Biographical Information: Assigned to the FBI crime labs in Washington, D.C., Agent Pendrell gathered scientific data for Agents Mulder and Scully on numerous occasions. One notable contribution was Pendrell's identification of Scully's implant as a subcutaneous neural network.
Game Effect: Place three tokens on Agent Pendrell. During a skill check, discard one token to add 1 to Agent Pendrell's COMPUTER, SCIENCE, or MEDICAL skill.
Computer: 3
Criminal Investigation: 2
Evidence Collection: 3
Medical: 1
Observation: 2
Sciences: 3
Long Range Combat: 2
Close Range Combat: 2
Health: 4
RES: 1
Cost: 6 RP
Episode: 731 (3X10) - Season 3
- 101361 Booster Packs