General Thomas Callahan
Rare Bureau File Number: XF97-0492x1Edition: 101361
Rarity: Rare
Suit: Witness
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Witness, Behavioral, Bureaucracy
Activators: Active
Investigative Effects: Adds 3 to one Team's BUREAUCRACY or adds 2 to one Team's BEHAVIORAL skill check.
Cost: 4 RP
Episode: The Walk (3X07) - Season 3
Quote: General Callahan: "Last night... I saw someone in my office, he said my name. But when I turned around he was gone. Then my phone machine went all snakey again."
Mulder: "It's happened before?"
Callahan: "No... not what I saw. But the phone calls, yes, twice before. At my home."
- 101361 Booster Packs