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book packed with all sorts of different killer decks and card combos.
It profiles various Guardians artists and lists card with complete stats
and details for each of the original Guardians cards.

Also in April, FPG will release Keith Parkinson's Colossal Cards, a
nongame trading card set.

(Guardians artist Brom is interviewed on page 46.)

- Matt Forbeck

Shadowrun: Super Tuesday

It's 2057 and the United Canadian and American States are brac-
ing for Super Tuesday.

That's the premise of three new Shadowrun sourcebooks from
FASA Corp.: Super Tuesday, due in April; Shadows of the Underworld,
scheduled for June; and A Dragon's Portfolio, slated for August.

"This is a special election," Shadowrun developer Mike Mulvihill
said, "designed to replace the ousted president, after evidence of
vote tampering came out."

The presidential hopefuls include a dragon, a mage and a dwarf.

Super Tuesday, Shadows of the Underworld and Threats, a Shad-
owrun sourcebook due in May, will include voting ballots. The can-
didate who gets the most votes will be announced at the Gen Con
Game Fair. Prizes will be given to some voters.

Mulvihill said Shadowrun players have frequently requested a
universe that seems more like the real world. "This helps us get
the ball rolling," he said. "In this election, events happen that
allow us to introduce new characters and start events that lead
to other storylines."

- David Joyce

Companion Games Bankrupt

Companion Games, publisher of the Galactic Empires col-
lectible card game, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Andrew Smith, senior production manager
for Companion, called it "a simple reorgani-
zation designed to allow us to tackle our
debts and keep on schedule with every-
thing else."

Smith attributed Companion's finan-
cial woes to slow payment from distribu-
tors for product that had already been
shipped to them. This seems to be a prob-
lem for many manufacturers, as distribu-
tors that ordered too much product late last
year are now having problems selling inven-
tory. Heavily stocked discount bins reflect sim-
ilar difficulties at the retail level.

Smith said the Chapter 11 filing hasn't affected the
company's production schedule at all. asserted. "We've even got a
new card game, Pentacle, coming out in April."

"Slow payment is a problem for every manufacturer these
days," observed Mayfair Games' Lou Rexing. "I'm watching every-
body," he added. "I don't care if you've been buying from
me for 15 years or not."

Rexing blames the difficulties on the nature
of the collectible card game industry. The
adventure game industry was originally fairly
small, but card games have transformed
it into big business virtually overnight.
Everyone - retailers, distributors and
manufacturers alike - is experiencing
growing pains.

Said Rexing, "When I did an initial
ship of Empire Builder," a railroad board
game, "I'm looking at $70,000 to
$80,000. When I shipped SimCity, it was
$1.5 million."

Thanks to discounting of unwanted product,
canny shoppers can pick up good (and bad!) games at
great prices.

- Matt Forbeck
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