InQuest 19 - 140 - The X-Files CCG - Preview Card Guide
players guide
Name Cost Rarity
Spying Mission 2 RP U
Play on any team. If the team makes a Subterfuge 4+ skill check it
may use this card to immediately negate any one card that requires
them to make a non-combat skill check.
Street Contacts 1 CP U
Search through your Bureau deck and place any one Witness card in
your hand.
Successful Diagnosis 2 RP U
Play on a team in the hospital containing an injured agent. The agent
heals 2 damage immediately.
Surfing the Net 2 RP R
Have a team make a Computer 4+ skill check. If successful, draw
three cards from your chosen opponent's Bureau deck and choose one
to place in your Bureau section face down. Place the other two cards
back on top of your opponent's deck in any order. You may use the
chosen card when appropriate, but you must pay the cost. Return the
card to its owner when it's used or discarded.
Suspect Description 2 RP U
Play on a team that fails a site skill check when combat was involved.
If the team makes a Criminal Investigation 3+ skill check, place the
site in the Bureau. At the start of your Briefing phase, you may place
the site into your hand.
players guide
Name Cost Rarity
Spying Mission 2 RP U
Play on any team. If the team makes a Subterfuge 4+ skill check it
may use this card to immediately negate any one card that requires
them to make a non-combat skill check.
Street Contacts 1 CP U
Search through your Bureau deck and place any one Witness card in
your hand.
Successful Diagnosis 2 RP U
Play on a team in the hospital containing an injured agent. The agent
heals 2 damage immediately.
Surfing the Net 2 RP R
Have a team make a Computer 4+ skill check. If successful, draw
three cards from your chosen opponent's Bureau deck and choose one
to place in your Bureau section face down. Place the other two cards
back on top of your opponent's deck in any order. You may use the
chosen card when appropriate, but you must pay the cost. Return the
card to its owner when it's used or discarded.
Suspect Description 2 RP U
Play on a team that fails a site skill check when combat was involved.
If the team makes a Criminal Investigation 3+ skill check, place the
site in the Bureau. At the start of your Briefing phase, you may place
the site into your hand.
SWAT Training 2 RP C
Play on on agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing phase of the second turn, the
agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one of
the following skills: LRC, CRC or the agent gains the ability to use Mar-
tial Arts cards.
Team Work 0 RP Pr
Play this card on any team consisting of no more than two agents dur-
ing the Investigation phase when they are sent to investigate a site.
You may add a number of tokens to the RP pool equal to the agents'
total Res value.
Thorough Documentation 2 RP R
Play prior to a site skill check. If the site skill check is successful, place
this card in your Bureau section. You may discard this card in any of
your investigation phases to add +2 to a site skill check.
Tour the State 2 RP U
Play on a team in the Field during the Deployment phase. If the team
makes a Criminal Investigation 5+ skill check, they may investigate
two sites in the same state this turn.
Trap 3 CP U
Play on a team in the Field at the start of combat. Force the opponent
team to make an Observation 4+ skill check. If they fail, the following
combat will be fought between the adversary and one agent of your
choice. No other agents may participate in the combat.
Play on on agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing phase of the second turn, the
agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one of
the following skills: LRC, CRC or the agent gains the ability to use Mar-
tial Arts cards.
Team Work 0 RP Pr
Play this card on any team consisting of no more than two agents dur-
ing the Investigation phase when they are sent to investigate a site.
You may add a number of tokens to the RP pool equal to the agents'
total Res value.
Thorough Documentation 2 RP R
Play prior to a site skill check. If the site skill check is successful, place
this card in your Bureau section. You may discard this card in any of
your investigation phases to add +2 to a site skill check.
Tour the State 2 RP U
Play on a team in the Field during the Deployment phase. If the team
makes a Criminal Investigation 5+ skill check, they may investigate
two sites in the same state this turn.
Trap 3 CP U
Play on a team in the Field at the start of combat. Force the opponent
team to make an Observation 4+ skill check. If they fail, the following
combat will be fought between the adversary and one agent of your
choice. No other agents may participate in the combat.
Travel Arrangements 2 RP C
You may move one of your agents to any section immediately. This
card may not be played once an adversary has forced combat until
after the combat is resolved. The agent may join any team that occu-
pies the new section.
True Grit 1 RP R
Play when an agent is forced to go to the hospital. He must still go to
the hospital by the end of this turn, but he may add his skills to one
skill check before going.
Trust No One 2 CP R
The Witness' modifier is now changed to a negative. If the Witness
has an ability separate from a modifier, this card cancels that ability
for this turn.
Unexplainable Time Loss 5 CP R
Force an opponent Team to make a Sciences 4+ skill check or the cur-
rent player's turn ends immediately.
Warning From the Loah 2 RP R
Force an opponent player to reveal any adversary cards in his hand. If
your opponent has one or more, discard one at random.
Negate any one keyword Adversary card.
You may move one of your agents to any section immediately. This
card may not be played once an adversary has forced combat until
after the combat is resolved. The agent may join any team that occu-
pies the new section.
True Grit 1 RP R
Play when an agent is forced to go to the hospital. He must still go to
the hospital by the end of this turn, but he may add his skills to one
skill check before going.
Trust No One 2 CP R
The Witness' modifier is now changed to a negative. If the Witness
has an ability separate from a modifier, this card cancels that ability
for this turn.
Unexplainable Time Loss 5 CP R
Force an opponent Team to make a Sciences 4+ skill check or the cur-
rent player's turn ends immediately.
Warning From the Loah 2 RP R
Force an opponent player to reveal any adversary cards in his hand. If
your opponent has one or more, discard one at random.
Negate any one keyword Adversary card.
X-Files Research 2 RP C
Play on an agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing phase of the second turn, the
agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one of
the following abilities: Alien Investigation, Occult Investigation or Sci-
ences. This card may not be played on agents Mulder or Scully.
Name Cost Questions Rarity
Aleister Crowley High School l Aff, Res R
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 5+ or Observation 5+
Name Cost Questions Rarity
Arecibo, Puerto Rico 1 Aff, Met U
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Computer 5+
Arlington, VA 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 4+
Aubrey, MO 2 Mot C
Prerequisite: Behavioral 4+
Baltimore, MD 1 Met, Res U
Prerequisite: Sciences 5+ or Evidence Collection 5+. If you ask if the
Method is Threats, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Play on an agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing phase of the second turn, the
agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one of
the following abilities: Alien Investigation, Occult Investigation or Sci-
ences. This card may not be played on agents Mulder or Scully.
Name Cost Questions Rarity
Aleister Crowley High School l Aff, Res R
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 5+ or Observation 5+
Name Cost Questions Rarity
Arecibo, Puerto Rico 1 Aff, Met U
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Computer 5+
Arlington, VA 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 4+
Aubrey, MO 2 Mot C
Prerequisite: Behavioral 4+
Baltimore, MD 1 Met, Res U
Prerequisite: Sciences 5+ or Evidence Collection 5+. If you ask if the
Method is Threats, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Broadstreet, Philadelphia, PA 2 Met C
Prerequisite: Criminal Investigation 4+
Browning, MT 2 Mot F
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 4+
Cape Cod, MA 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Sciences 4+
Central Prison, Raleigh, NC 1 Met, Mot U
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 5+ or Criminal Investigation 5+. If
you ask if the Method is Possession, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Chaco House, Dudley, AR 1 Aff, Mot U
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 5+ or Behavioral 5+. If you ask if the Motive
is Security, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Church of the Red Museum, WI 1 Aff, Met R
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 5+ or Medical 5+.
Coastal Northwest, OR 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 4+
Containment Facility, MD 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Observation 4+
Crop Circle, Steveston, MA 2 Res R
Prerequisite: Behavioral 4+
Cumberland Prison, VA 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 4+
Prerequisite: Criminal Investigation 4+
Browning, MT 2 Mot F
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 4+
Cape Cod, MA 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Sciences 4+
Central Prison, Raleigh, NC 1 Met, Mot U
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 5+ or Criminal Investigation 5+. If
you ask if the Method is Possession, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Chaco House, Dudley, AR 1 Aff, Mot U
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 5+ or Behavioral 5+. If you ask if the Motive
is Security, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Church of the Red Museum, WI 1 Aff, Met R
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 5+ or Medical 5+.
Coastal Northwest, OR 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 4+
Containment Facility, MD 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Observation 4+
Crop Circle, Steveston, MA 2 Res R
Prerequisite: Behavioral 4+
Cumberland Prison, VA 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 4+
Ellens Air Base, ID 2 Aff R
Prerequisite: Bureaucracy 4+
Eurisko Building, Crystal City, VA 1 Met, Res U
Prerequisite: Computer 5+ or Bureaucracy 5+. If you ask if the Result
is Abduction, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Excelsis Dei Convalescent Home, MA 1 Met, Mot U
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 5+ or Criminal Investigation 5+. If
you ask if the Motive is Security, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Fairfield Zoo, Fairfield, ID 2 Mot C
Prerequisite: Observation 4+
Farmington, NM 1 Met, Mot U
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Computer 5+. If you ask if the
Method is Manipulation of Evidence, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Folkstone, NC 1 Aff, Mot U
Prerequisite: Bureaucracy 5+ or Behavioral 5+. If you ask of the
Result is Insanity, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Franklin, PA 2 Met F
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 4+
Frozen Submarine, Alaska 1 Aff, Res R
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Evidence Collection 5+. If you
ask if the Result is Manipulation of Evidence, the skill check prerequi-
site is 4+.
Prerequisite: Bureaucracy 4+
Eurisko Building, Crystal City, VA 1 Met, Res U
Prerequisite: Computer 5+ or Bureaucracy 5+. If you ask if the Result
is Abduction, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Excelsis Dei Convalescent Home, MA 1 Met, Mot U
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 5+ or Criminal Investigation 5+. If
you ask if the Motive is Security, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Fairfield Zoo, Fairfield, ID 2 Mot C
Prerequisite: Observation 4+
Farmington, NM 1 Met, Mot U
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Computer 5+. If you ask if the
Method is Manipulation of Evidence, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Folkstone, NC 1 Aff, Mot U
Prerequisite: Bureaucracy 5+ or Behavioral 5+. If you ask of the
Result is Insanity, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Franklin, PA 2 Met F
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 4+
Frozen Submarine, Alaska 1 Aff, Res R
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Evidence Collection 5+. If you
ask if the Result is Manipulation of Evidence, the skill check prerequi-
site is 4+.
Genetics Clinic, Marin Country, CA 2 Aff C
Prerequisite: Medical 4+
Gibsonton, FL 2 Met C
Prerequisite: Medical 4+
Icy Cape, Alaska 2 Res F
Prerequisite: Evidence Collection 4+
Laboratory, Colson, WA 2 Mot C
Prerequisite: Computer 4+
Lake Okobogee, Sioux City, IA 2 Mot C
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 4+
Los Angeles, CA 1 Aff, Met U
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 5+ or Evidence Collection 5+
Name Cost Questions Rarity
Marlon, VA 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Behavioral 4+
Mattawa, WA 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Bureaucracy 4+
Minneapolis, MN 1 Met, Res U
Prerequisite: Medical +5 or Criminal Invetigation 5+
Prerequisite: Medical 4+
Gibsonton, FL 2 Met C
Prerequisite: Medical 4+
Icy Cape, Alaska 2 Res F
Prerequisite: Evidence Collection 4+
Laboratory, Colson, WA 2 Mot C
Prerequisite: Computer 4+
Lake Okobogee, Sioux City, IA 2 Mot C
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 4+
Los Angeles, CA 1 Aff, Met U
Prerequisite: Occult Investigation 5+ or Evidence Collection 5+
Name Cost Questions Rarity
Marlon, VA 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Behavioral 4+
Mattawa, WA 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Bureaucracy 4+
Minneapolis, MN 1 Met, Res U
Prerequisite: Medical +5 or Criminal Invetigation 5+
Mt. Avalon, WA 2 Met C
Prerequisite: Sciences 4+
NASA Mission Control, Houston, TX 1 Aff, Res U
Prerequisite: Sciences 5+ or Observation 5+
New York, NY 1 Aff, Res R
Prerequisite: Medical 5+ or Behavioral 5+. If you ask if the Result is
Insanity, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Newark, NJ 2 Met C
Prerequisite: Evidence Collection 4+
Northeast Georgetown Medical Center, DC 2 Met R
Prerequisite: Medical 4+
Olympic National Forest, WA 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Evidence Collection 4+
Outskirts of Atlantic City, NJ 1 Aff, Mot U
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 5+ or Observation 5+
Psychiatric Hospital, Richmond, VA 2 Met C
Prerequisite: Computer 4+
Sea Off of Tildeskan, Norway 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Observation 4+
Prerequisite: Sciences 4+
NASA Mission Control, Houston, TX 1 Aff, Res U
Prerequisite: Sciences 5+ or Observation 5+
New York, NY 1 Aff, Res R
Prerequisite: Medical 5+ or Behavioral 5+. If you ask if the Result is
Insanity, the skill check prerequisite is 4+.
Newark, NJ 2 Met C
Prerequisite: Evidence Collection 4+
Northeast Georgetown Medical Center, DC 2 Met R
Prerequisite: Medical 4+
Olympic National Forest, WA 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Evidence Collection 4+
Outskirts of Atlantic City, NJ 1 Aff, Mot U
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 5+ or Observation 5+
Psychiatric Hospital, Richmond, VA 2 Met C
Prerequisite: Computer 4+
Sea Off of Tildeskan, Norway 2 Res C
Prerequisite: Observation 4+
Skyland Mountain, VA 2 Met R
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 4+
UFO Wreckage, Townsend, WI 1 Mot, Res R
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Bureaucracy 5+
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD 2 Res R
Prerequisite: Criminal Investigation 4+
Washington Monument, DC 1 Mot, Res U
Prerequisite: Behavioral 5+ or Observation 5+
Street Contacts and
The Calusari: Witnesses
are often given short shrift in
an X-Files deck because
they're seldom around when
you need them. How can you
be sure you'll have the
Calusari when that Occult
beastie comes a-calling?
Instead of relying on chance,
use your Street Contacts to
pull them into your hand at
just the right time.
Name Cost Rarity
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 4+
UFO Wreckage, Townsend, WI 1 Mot, Res R
Prerequisite: Alien Investigation 5+ or Bureaucracy 5+
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD 2 Res R
Prerequisite: Criminal Investigation 4+
Washington Monument, DC 1 Mot, Res U
Prerequisite: Behavioral 5+ or Observation 5+
Street Contacts and
The Calusari: Witnesses
are often given short shrift in
an X-Files deck because
they're seldom around when
you need them. How can you
be sure you'll have the
Calusari when that Occult
beastie comes a-calling?
Instead of relying on chance,
use your Street Contacts to
pull them into your hand at
just the right time.
Name Cost Rarity
Bill Mulder 3 R
Adds +2 to one agent's Subterfuge skill check. Alternately, any attack
that would send Mulder to the hospital may be negated by playing
this card. If played this way, remove this card from the game.
Billy Miles 1 C
Adds +1 to one team's Alien Investigation skill check.
Brad Wilczek 2 U
Adds +2 to one team's Computer skill check.
Byers 1 F
Adds +1 to one team's Computer skill check.
Calusari, The 2 R
Negate one Occult creature.
Charley Tskany 4 R
Attach this Witness to a team. This Witness will add his skills to the
appropriate skill check like an agent. CRC: 2, LRC: 2, and Health: 3. If
he is sent to the hospital, or at any time there are no agents in the
team, remove the card from the game.
Colonel Marcus Aurelius Belt 2 R
Negates one Alien Creature.
Detective Frank Briggs 2 U
Adds +2 to one team's Criminal Investigation skill check.
Adds +2 to one agent's Subterfuge skill check. Alternately, any attack
that would send Mulder to the hospital may be negated by playing
this card. If played this way, remove this card from the game.
Billy Miles 1 C
Adds +1 to one team's Alien Investigation skill check.
Brad Wilczek 2 U
Adds +2 to one team's Computer skill check.
Byers 1 F
Adds +1 to one team's Computer skill check.
Calusari, The 2 R
Negate one Occult creature.
Charley Tskany 4 R
Attach this Witness to a team. This Witness will add his skills to the
appropriate skill check like an agent. CRC: 2, LRC: 2, and Health: 3. If
he is sent to the hospital, or at any time there are no agents in the
team, remove the card from the game.
Colonel Marcus Aurelius Belt 2 R
Negates one Alien Creature.
Detective Frank Briggs 2 U
Adds +2 to one team's Criminal Investigation skill check.
Detective Sharon Lazard 2 U
Adds +2 to one team's Evidence Collection skill check.
Doug Spinney 1 C
Adds +1 to one team's Sciences skill check.
Dr. Blockhead 2 R
Negates one Evolutionary Creature.