InQuest 19 - 139 - The X-Files CCG - Preview Card Guide
Name Cost Rarity
Dana Scully, Abducted 3 RP UR
If an Abduction card is played on a team of agents that includes
Scully, Scully must be the agent abducted instead. When Agent Scully
returns to play she has the following modifiers added to her skills: +1
Alien Investigation, +1 Occult Investigation, +1 Observation, keyword
Believer. Place two tokens on this card. Discard token to search
through your Bureau deck and add any Healing card to your hand.
Dark Forces Align 6 CP R
Play on an opponent team in any section. For the rest of the turn, that
team is considered to have a single characteristic site keyword. You
may choose any one characteristic for the keyword.
Decoy 1 RP U
Play when an adversary is allowed to enter combat with a single
agent. If the team to which the agent is attached makes a Subterfuge
4+ skill check, the adversary is negated.
Decreased Workload 0 RP U
Play in the Briefing phase. One team in the Bureau may make a
bureaucracy 4+ skill check. If successful, choose an agent. The agent
now has a Res number equal to twice his or her Criminal Investigation
Deductive Reasoning 3 RP R
Play on a team that has just completed a combat. If the team makes
a Criminal Investigation 5+ skill check, then they may ask whether or
not the adversary has a keyword that is the same as the affiliation of
the controller's X-File.
Dana Scully, Abducted 3 RP UR
If an Abduction card is played on a team of agents that includes
Scully, Scully must be the agent abducted instead. When Agent Scully
returns to play she has the following modifiers added to her skills: +1
Alien Investigation, +1 Occult Investigation, +1 Observation, keyword
Believer. Place two tokens on this card. Discard token to search
through your Bureau deck and add any Healing card to your hand.
Dark Forces Align 6 CP R
Play on an opponent team in any section. For the rest of the turn, that
team is considered to have a single characteristic site keyword. You
may choose any one characteristic for the keyword.
Decoy 1 RP U
Play when an adversary is allowed to enter combat with a single
agent. If the team to which the agent is attached makes a Subterfuge
4+ skill check, the adversary is negated.
Decreased Workload 0 RP U
Play in the Briefing phase. One team in the Bureau may make a
bureaucracy 4+ skill check. If successful, choose an agent. The agent
now has a Res number equal to twice his or her Criminal Investigation
Deductive Reasoning 3 RP R
Play on a team that has just completed a combat. If the team makes
a Criminal Investigation 5+ skill check, then they may ask whether or
not the adversary has a keyword that is the same as the affiliation of
the controller's X-File.
Deep Throat 5 RP UR
Ask any one characteristic question regarding one opponent's X-File.
Remove this card from the game. The effects of this card may not be
Disection 1 RP U
Play this card after a team of agents damages an adversary in combat
by dealing enough wounds to kill it. Place 5 tokens in the RP pool.
Equipment Malfunction 2 CP U
Force your opponent to discard one piece of equipment (your choice)
that does not specifically modify Long or Close Combat.
Erlenmeyer Flask, The 4 RP R
Negates any one card played against your team during a Bureaucracy
or Alien Investigation skill check.
Evasive Maneuvers 4 RP R
Negate one non-Phenemena adversary.
Eve 7 X CP R
Move any Bluff cards from one site to another site or back into the
owner's hand. If at the end of an Investigation phase, a site is left
with no Bluffs attached, discard it. X is 1 CP per Bluff moved.
Evidence Destroyed 4 CP U
Negate one keyword Evidence Collection card.
Ask any one characteristic question regarding one opponent's X-File.
Remove this card from the game. The effects of this card may not be
Disection 1 RP U
Play this card after a team of agents damages an adversary in combat
by dealing enough wounds to kill it. Place 5 tokens in the RP pool.
Equipment Malfunction 2 CP U
Force your opponent to discard one piece of equipment (your choice)
that does not specifically modify Long or Close Combat.
Erlenmeyer Flask, The 4 RP R
Negates any one card played against your team during a Bureaucracy
or Alien Investigation skill check.
Evasive Maneuvers 4 RP R
Negate one non-Phenemena adversary.
Eve 7 X CP R
Move any Bluff cards from one site to another site or back into the
owner's hand. If at the end of an Investigation phase, a site is left
with no Bluffs attached, discard it. X is 1 CP per Bluff moved.
Evidence Destroyed 4 CP U
Negate one keyword Evidence Collection card.
Evidence Overlooked 1 RP C
If the team makes an Observation 4+ skill check, they gain a +1 to
the site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Expedite Request for Resources 1 RP U
Play on a team in the Bureau. If the team makes a Bureaucracy 4+
skill check then you may search through your Bureau deck and draw
one Equipment card to add to your hand.
Expert Briefing 2 RP C
Play on an agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing phase of the second turn, the
agent may be redeployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one
of the following skills: Observation, Behavioral or Subterfuge.
Fighter Interceptor 4 RP Pr
Negates an Alien Adversary.
Fingernail Scrapings 1 RP C
If the team makes an Evidence Collection 4+ skill check, they gain a +1
to a site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Fingerprints 2 RP U
Play on one team in the field. If the team makes an Evidence Collec-
tion skill check 5+, then thay may add +2 to any site skill check. Dis-
card this card after you've used the modifier.
Frohike 3 RP R
Play when one of your teams is attempting a skill check. This card will
negate one event card played on your team.
If the team makes an Observation 4+ skill check, they gain a +1 to
the site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Expedite Request for Resources 1 RP U
Play on a team in the Bureau. If the team makes a Bureaucracy 4+
skill check then you may search through your Bureau deck and draw
one Equipment card to add to your hand.
Expert Briefing 2 RP C
Play on an agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing phase of the second turn, the
agent may be redeployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one
of the following skills: Observation, Behavioral or Subterfuge.
Fighter Interceptor 4 RP Pr
Negates an Alien Adversary.
Fingernail Scrapings 1 RP C
If the team makes an Evidence Collection 4+ skill check, they gain a +1
to a site skill check. Discard this card after you've used the modifier.
Fingerprints 2 RP U
Play on one team in the field. If the team makes an Evidence Collec-
tion skill check 5+, then thay may add +2 to any site skill check. Dis-
card this card after you've used the modifier.
Frohike 3 RP R
Play when one of your teams is attempting a skill check. This card will
negate one event card played on your team.
Government Arrests Suspects 1 CP C
Negate one Witness that modifies Alien Investigation or Bureaucracy
Government Mindwipe Serum 3 CP U
Force one opponent to discard all cards in hand that have a keyword
Alien Investigation or Bureaucracy.
Government Sanctioned Pheromone Experiments 8 CP R
Force an opponent team to make a Sciences 4+ skill check. If the team
fails, you may choose an opponent agent on the team to enter combat
with any other agent on the team. Combat will only last one round.
Grid Pattern Search 2 RP R
Select one card from your discard pile and place it in your hand.
Hack into Government Files 5 RP R
Play on a team to make a Computer 4+ skill check. If successful, you
may select any card in your collection and add it to your hand. The
card need not be part of your Bureau deck, nor may it exceed the limit
of 2 cards per deck.
Hard Evidence 2 RP C
Add 5 tokens to your RP pool.
Name Cost Rarity
Negate one Witness that modifies Alien Investigation or Bureaucracy
Government Mindwipe Serum 3 CP U
Force one opponent to discard all cards in hand that have a keyword
Alien Investigation or Bureaucracy.
Government Sanctioned Pheromone Experiments 8 CP R
Force an opponent team to make a Sciences 4+ skill check. If the team
fails, you may choose an opponent agent on the team to enter combat
with any other agent on the team. Combat will only last one round.
Grid Pattern Search 2 RP R
Select one card from your discard pile and place it in your hand.
Hack into Government Files 5 RP R
Play on a team to make a Computer 4+ skill check. If successful, you
may select any card in your collection and add it to your hand. The
card need not be part of your Bureau deck, nor may it exceed the limit
of 2 cards per deck.
Hard Evidence 2 RP C
Add 5 tokens to your RP pool.
Name Cost Rarity
Hidden Grave 2 RP U
Take any Witness from your opponent's discard pile and use it for one
skill check immediately at no cost.
Hidden Transmitter 4 CP U
Play after an opponent team successfully asks a characteristic question.
Force that opponent team to make a Subterfuge 4+ skill check. If they
fail they must tell you the question and the answer they obtained.
Improved Channels 2 RP U
The team must make a Bureaucracy 4+ skill check. If successful, you
may now have up to 10 cards in hand at the end of your turn. This
condition stays in effect until you are forced to discard this card. Dis-
card this card if one of your agents is moved from or to the Bureau
section of the table for any reason.
In Service Training 2 RP C
Play on an agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase on the second turn the
agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one of
the following skills: Computer, Medical, or Sciences.
I Want to Believe 1 RP U
Play on one agent to allow that agent to use their Evidence Collection
skill number for any one Alien Investigation or Occult Investigation skill
Take any Witness from your opponent's discard pile and use it for one
skill check immediately at no cost.
Hidden Transmitter 4 CP U
Play after an opponent team successfully asks a characteristic question.
Force that opponent team to make a Subterfuge 4+ skill check. If they
fail they must tell you the question and the answer they obtained.
Improved Channels 2 RP U
The team must make a Bureaucracy 4+ skill check. If successful, you
may now have up to 10 cards in hand at the end of your turn. This
condition stays in effect until you are forced to discard this card. Dis-
card this card if one of your agents is moved from or to the Bureau
section of the table for any reason.
In Service Training 2 RP C
Play on an agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase on the second turn the
agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a +1 in one of
the following skills: Computer, Medical, or Sciences.
I Want to Believe 1 RP U
Play on one agent to allow that agent to use their Evidence Collection
skill number for any one Alien Investigation or Occult Investigation skill
Krycek, the Double Agent 6 RP R
Play on Krycek when he is in the Field and is involved in a skill check.
Krycek engages one of the team's agents in combat. No other agents
may contribute skills to the combat. If Krycek sends the chosen agent
to the hospital within two rounds of combat, the Krycek stays on the
team, otherwise he is removed from play. Cards that would cause
Krycek to be discarded simply negate the combat.
Langly 2 RP C
Force one Bluff card attached to a site to be discarded. If there are
several Bluffs at the site, the Blutf to be discarded must be chosen ran-
Local Law Enforcement Are Uncooperative, The 4 CP U
Negate one keyword Criminal Investigation card.
Lone Gunmen, The 1 RP UR
Play on a site. While on the site, the Lone Gunmen are considered a
keyword Witness card. A site with the Lone Gunmen stays on the Field
until the Gunmen are removed. During your Briefing phase, pay 1 RP
to place a token on the site. When a team investigates the site, each
token adds +1 to the skill check. Discard the Lone Gunmen after the
skill check is resolved.
Lula Phillips 1 CP R
Play this card after an adversary sends any agent to the hospital or
removes an agent from the game. Place 5 tokens in your CP pool.
Play on Krycek when he is in the Field and is involved in a skill check.
Krycek engages one of the team's agents in combat. No other agents
may contribute skills to the combat. If Krycek sends the chosen agent
to the hospital within two rounds of combat, the Krycek stays on the
team, otherwise he is removed from play. Cards that would cause
Krycek to be discarded simply negate the combat.
Langly 2 RP C
Force one Bluff card attached to a site to be discarded. If there are
several Bluffs at the site, the Blutf to be discarded must be chosen ran-
Local Law Enforcement Are Uncooperative, The 4 CP U
Negate one keyword Criminal Investigation card.
Lone Gunmen, The 1 RP UR
Play on a site. While on the site, the Lone Gunmen are considered a
keyword Witness card. A site with the Lone Gunmen stays on the Field
until the Gunmen are removed. During your Briefing phase, pay 1 RP
to place a token on the site. When a team investigates the site, each
token adds +1 to the skill check. Discard the Lone Gunmen after the
skill check is resolved.
Lula Phillips 1 CP R
Play this card after an adversary sends any agent to the hospital or
removes an agent from the game. Place 5 tokens in your CP pool.
Medical Treatment 1 RP C
Play on an agent in the hospital. The agent heals 1 damage.
Message from the Stars 5 RP R
Negate one Alien adversary. If the team makes on Alien Investigation
skill check 6+, they may ask either one Affiliation question or one
Motive question.
No One So Paranoid 5 RP Pr
Either adds +1 to Computer skill or Negates one Event or Discard one
Bluff attached to a site.
No Place is Safe 5 CP R
For the remainder of this turn, the Bureau is considered to have a sin-
gle characteristic site keyword of your choice.
Overwhelming Force 3 CP R
You may now play up to three adversary cards simultaneously. All
cards played using this card count as one adversary for game pur-
poses. The adversaries all deal damage and take damage separately.
Paper Shackles 4 CP U
Force an opponent team to make a Criminal Investigation 5+ skill check
or they will be unable to add their skills to a site skill check this turn.
Name Cost Rarity
Plague of Locusts 4 CP R
Force an opponent team to make an Occult Investigation 4+ skill
check. If they fail, negate all Witnesses that are modifying the team's
skill check.
Play on an agent in the hospital. The agent heals 1 damage.
Message from the Stars 5 RP R
Negate one Alien adversary. If the team makes on Alien Investigation
skill check 6+, they may ask either one Affiliation question or one
Motive question.
No One So Paranoid 5 RP Pr
Either adds +1 to Computer skill or Negates one Event or Discard one
Bluff attached to a site.
No Place is Safe 5 CP R
For the remainder of this turn, the Bureau is considered to have a sin-
gle characteristic site keyword of your choice.
Overwhelming Force 3 CP R
You may now play up to three adversary cards simultaneously. All
cards played using this card count as one adversary for game pur-
poses. The adversaries all deal damage and take damage separately.
Paper Shackles 4 CP U
Force an opponent team to make a Criminal Investigation 5+ skill check
or they will be unable to add their skills to a site skill check this turn.
Name Cost Rarity
Plague of Locusts 4 CP R
Force an opponent team to make an Occult Investigation 4+ skill
check. If they fail, negate all Witnesses that are modifying the team's
skill check.
Reading the Signs 0 RP
Play on any team in the Field. If the team makes an Occult Investiga-
tion 4+ skill check they may take 2 CPs from their opponent's Con-
spiracy pool and add them to their Resource pool.
Red Tape 3 CP R
Play to prevent one opponent from drawing any cards during the
remainder of this turn.
Rejuvenating Caves 2 CP U
Play this card next to the X-File you have chosen. Place 10 tokens on
this card. During your opponent's turn you may take up to two tokens
from this card and place them in your CP pool. When all counters have
been removed, discard this card.
Relentless Pursuit X RP C
Play to prevent the opposing player from drawing cards after the
player has paid. X is the number of cards that the player paid for.
Reporters at the Crime Scene 1 CP U
Play when one player has just asked a characteristic question and you
were not the directed player. If the player achieved the prerequisite
skill number exactly, then he must tell all opponents the answer to the
characteristic question.
Road Hazard 1 CP U
Negate one card with keyword Move.
Play on any team in the Field. If the team makes an Occult Investiga-
tion 4+ skill check they may take 2 CPs from their opponent's Con-
spiracy pool and add them to their Resource pool.
Red Tape 3 CP R
Play to prevent one opponent from drawing any cards during the
remainder of this turn.
Rejuvenating Caves 2 CP U
Play this card next to the X-File you have chosen. Place 10 tokens on
this card. During your opponent's turn you may take up to two tokens
from this card and place them in your CP pool. When all counters have
been removed, discard this card.
Relentless Pursuit X RP C
Play to prevent the opposing player from drawing cards after the
player has paid. X is the number of cards that the player paid for.
Reporters at the Crime Scene 1 CP U
Play when one player has just asked a characteristic question and you
were not the directed player. If the player achieved the prerequisite
skill number exactly, then he must tell all opponents the answer to the
characteristic question.
Road Hazard 1 CP U
Negate one card with keyword Move.
Road Trip 1 RP R
Play on a team in the Field during the deployment phase. If the team
makes a Criminal Investigation 6+ skill check, they may investigate
two sites this turn. Resolve each site individually.
Safe House 3 RP R
Play on any Witness with a skill modifier to permanently add the key-
words: Event and Resource to the Witness. Thus, the Witness acts as
an Event, Resource card and remains in play.
Arrangements and
Cellular Phone: Even the
best laid plans sometimes go
wrong. With agents spread
among your bureau, tield and
hospital, sometimes you'll
need the skills of someone
who's otherwise occupied.
Travel Arrangements is a
quick fix; it can send an agent
anywhere fast. And, with the
Cellular Phone, an agent can
effectively be in two places at
once, contributing skills to
both checks.
Samuel 2 RP R
Play on a team in the Field that has just had an agent removed from
the game this turn. Make an Occult Investigation skill check of 4+. If
successful, the agent remains in play.
Play on a team in the Field during the deployment phase. If the team
makes a Criminal Investigation 6+ skill check, they may investigate
two sites this turn. Resolve each site individually.
Safe House 3 RP R
Play on any Witness with a skill modifier to permanently add the key-
words: Event and Resource to the Witness. Thus, the Witness acts as
an Event, Resource card and remains in play.
Arrangements and
Cellular Phone: Even the
best laid plans sometimes go
wrong. With agents spread
among your bureau, tield and
hospital, sometimes you'll
need the skills of someone
who's otherwise occupied.
Travel Arrangements is a
quick fix; it can send an agent
anywhere fast. And, with the
Cellular Phone, an agent can
effectively be in two places at
once, contributing skills to
both checks.
Samuel 2 RP R
Play on a team in the Field that has just had an agent removed from
the game this turn. Make an Occult Investigation skill check of 4+. If
successful, the agent remains in play.
Shutting Down the X-Files 3 CP R
Play on any team containing agent Fox Mulder and/or Dana Scully.
Mulder must immediately be moved to the Bureau. Scully must imme-
diately be moved to the hospital. Neither may contribute their skills to
skill checks this turn.
Skinner Adopts the Company Line 2 CP R
Play whenever Skinner is involved in a skill check, Skinner must go
back to the Bureau and may not contribute his skills to any skill check
this turn.
Skinner Chooses a Side 3 RP UR
Play when Skinner is in the Bureau section of the table and the affilia-
tion of your opponent's X-File is known. Add the following modifiers to
Skinner's skills: +1 Bureaucracy and +1 Subterfuge. Place two tokens
on this card. Discard a token to negate one Event card.
Smoke Screen 1 RP U
Play on a team in the Bureau. If the team makes a Bureaucracy 4+
skill check then designate a team in the Field. As long as no new
members are added to that team, Government adversaries may not
attack that team. This card remains in effect until a new agent is
added to the team.
Smoking Man Strikes, The 5 CP R
Chonge any keyword to any other keyword on a card played by your
opponent until end of turn.