InQuest 22 - 44 - X-Files CCG: Feature
the remainder of the turn.
Another is Decreased Workload,
which boosts one of your agent's
resource value by the amount of their Criminal
Investigation skill.
Healing Phase. Fighting against the shadowy
forces of the conspiracy is dangerous work, and sometimes your
agents end up flat on their backs in the hospital. While they're
there, though. they don't generate RP or contribute their skills to
Skill Checks; they're too busy watching reruns and eating that
lousy hospital food.
In other words, try to move agents out of the hospital as soon
as possible. Successful Diagnosis is a good event for this, because
it allows a hospitalized agent to heal two damage immediately.
There's also the Hospital Crash Cart, a piece of equipment with
three tokens, each good for a point of healing.
Requisition Phase. You should try to play any equipment
cards in your hand as soon as possible, because they're worthless
sitting in your hand. If you cannot afford to pay for a piece of
equipment right away, consider selling it for CP during your oppo-
nent's briefing Phase instead.
Another is Decreased Workload,
which boosts one of your agent's
resource value by the amount of their Criminal
Investigation skill.
Healing Phase. Fighting against the shadowy
forces of the conspiracy is dangerous work, and sometimes your
agents end up flat on their backs in the hospital. While they're
there, though. they don't generate RP or contribute their skills to
Skill Checks; they're too busy watching reruns and eating that
lousy hospital food.
In other words, try to move agents out of the hospital as soon
as possible. Successful Diagnosis is a good event for this, because
it allows a hospitalized agent to heal two damage immediately.
There's also the Hospital Crash Cart, a piece of equipment with
three tokens, each good for a point of healing.
Requisition Phase. You should try to play any equipment
cards in your hand as soon as possible, because they're worthless
sitting in your hand. If you cannot afford to pay for a piece of
equipment right away, consider selling it for CP during your oppo-
nent's briefing Phase instead.
Deployment Phase. A player may move their agents to the
bureau, field, or hospital during the deployment phase. Move all
your agents that are not required to stay in the hospital out, where
they can do you some good. Make sure all the agents you might
use to investigate are in the field. Only leave agents in the bureau
if you are sure they can help you by staying there. For example,
Assistant Director Walter Skinner and Section Chief Scott Blevins
create additional RP while in the bureau, so leaving them behind
is a good idea. Also, there are events like Expert Briefing which take
an agent in the bureau out of play but return him a turn later
with bonuses to his skill checks.
One good card to play during your opponent's deployment
phase is the "Unexplainable Time Loss" event card. This card
forces an opposing team of agents to make a Sciences 4+ Skill
Check. If they fail, their turn is immediately over.
Case Assignment Phase. Now's when you pay for and play site
cards to investigate during the investigation phase. It is a good idea
to play as many
site cards as your
agents can inves-
tigate in one turn.
Thinning out your
skills may make it
easier for your
opponent to
thwart one of
your teams, but
he's unlikely to be
able to stop both
of them.
bureau, field, or hospital during the deployment phase. Move all
your agents that are not required to stay in the hospital out, where
they can do you some good. Make sure all the agents you might
use to investigate are in the field. Only leave agents in the bureau
if you are sure they can help you by staying there. For example,
Assistant Director Walter Skinner and Section Chief Scott Blevins
create additional RP while in the bureau, so leaving them behind
is a good idea. Also, there are events like Expert Briefing which take
an agent in the bureau out of play but return him a turn later
with bonuses to his skill checks.
One good card to play during your opponent's deployment
phase is the "Unexplainable Time Loss" event card. This card
forces an opposing team of agents to make a Sciences 4+ Skill
Check. If they fail, their turn is immediately over.
Case Assignment Phase. Now's when you pay for and play site
cards to investigate during the investigation phase. It is a good idea
to play as many
site cards as your
agents can inves-
tigate in one turn.
Thinning out your
skills may make it
easier for your
opponent to
thwart one of
your teams, but
he's unlikely to be
able to stop both
of them.
If it's your
opponent's case
phase, that
means it's time
to place your bluffs,
if you've got any.
Try to play bluffs
now, when they're
less expensive, rather
than as events later on. One
of the best bluffs is Detec-
tive Tony Fiore, who forces
the investigating player to
discard two of his cards in hand at ran-
dom. (Hymn to Tony? Could be...)
Investigation Phase. When investigating a site, bring all avail-
able agents in the field that are not investigating another site along.
Even if they do not have a particular skill to contribute, they can
X-FILES Card Dissection
A. Name: Yes, the name of the card.
B. Advanced Game Indicator: Cards having a yellow-green
"X" in the top left corner are only used in the Advanced Game.
C. Card Suit: Indicates the card's suit and game function.
opponent's case
phase, that
means it's time
to place your bluffs,
if you've got any.
Try to play bluffs
now, when they're
less expensive, rather
than as events later on. One
of the best bluffs is Detec-
tive Tony Fiore, who forces
the investigating player to
discard two of his cards in hand at ran-
dom. (Hymn to Tony? Could be...)
Investigation Phase. When investigating a site, bring all avail-
able agents in the field that are not investigating another site along.
Even if they do not have a particular skill to contribute, they can
X-FILES Card Dissection
A. Name: Yes, the name of the card.
B. Advanced Game Indicator: Cards having a yellow-green
"X" in the top left corner are only used in the Advanced Game.
C. Card Suit: Indicates the card's suit and game function.
D. Keywords: Indicates what type of cards may be used against
the particular card.
E. Activator: Indicates when this card may be played.
F. Card Number: A unique identifier for each card in the set.
G. Cost: Indicates the amount it will cost in Conspiracy Points
(a red hand) or Resource Points (a blue shield) to play the card
from a hand in the advanced game.
H. Story Line: A brief quote or phrase explaining the relation-
ship between the card and the "X-Files" television series.
I. Game Effect: Explains the effect of this card when played.