InQuest 28 - 71 - Power Theme Decks II - X-Files CCG Feature
The X-Files CCG
Secrets and Lies
They're trying to get me. Look. Over
there in the shadows. Do you see
them? I know they're after me, and
they'll get you too if you don't stay
alert. From the shadows, hiding in the
dark, they watch, they listen and, when
the time comes, they strike. It doesn't
matter which side is right or wrong.
The only important thing is who wins.
They call it the art of Subterfuge. No
one knows where or when you'll strike.
Just that when your opponent feels
they have you, you seem to slip away.
It is always hard when you try to catch
a shadow.
Secrets and Lies
They're trying to get me. Look. Over
there in the shadows. Do you see
them? I know they're after me, and
they'll get you too if you don't stay
alert. From the shadows, hiding in the
dark, they watch, they listen and, when
the time comes, they strike. It doesn't
matter which side is right or wrong.
The only important thing is who wins.
They call it the art of Subterfuge. No
one knows where or when you'll strike.
Just that when your opponent feels
they have you, you seem to slip away.
It is always hard when you try to catch
a shadow.
Deck Tips
• Krycek, Spying Mission and Decoy.
Krycek is the master of Subterfuge,
with a skill of 4. You can use Krycek to
investigate a site all by himself. Usu-
ally only one agent doesn't last long in
the field all alone, but Decoy negates
an adversary card if a Subterfuge 4+
skill check is made. Not a problem for
Krycek. Spying Mission negates added
skill checks (such as Unexplainable
Time Loss)
• Skinner and Cellular
Phone. If you
can keep
Skinner in the
Bureau, he
will become
the heart that
pumps the
resource pool.
Skinner's Res
value is three
points when he
stays in the Bureau.
You may need him to
help in the field with
skill checks, but once
you have the Cellular
Phone he can stay in the
bureau and call his skill -1
in to help any team in the field.
Lior, liar... watch this deck catch fire!
• Shotgun and Glock 19. You should
never have to equip anyone with a
gun. The best thing you can do is dis-
card them for Conspiracy Points (CP).
The Shotgun will give you 6 CP and
the Glock 4 CP. The more CP you can
save up the easier it will be to play your
• Krycek, Spying Mission and Decoy.
Krycek is the master of Subterfuge,
with a skill of 4. You can use Krycek to
investigate a site all by himself. Usu-
ally only one agent doesn't last long in
the field all alone, but Decoy negates
an adversary card if a Subterfuge 4+
skill check is made. Not a problem for
Krycek. Spying Mission negates added
skill checks (such as Unexplainable
Time Loss)
• Skinner and Cellular
Phone. If you
can keep
Skinner in the
Bureau, he
will become
the heart that
pumps the
resource pool.
Skinner's Res
value is three
points when he
stays in the Bureau.
You may need him to
help in the field with
skill checks, but once
you have the Cellular
Phone he can stay in the
bureau and call his skill -1
in to help any team in the field.
Lior, liar... watch this deck catch fire!
• Shotgun and Glock 19. You should
never have to equip anyone with a
gun. The best thing you can do is dis-
card them for Conspiracy Points (CP).
The Shotgun will give you 6 CP and
the Glock 4 CP. The more CP you can
save up the easier it will be to play your
• Limited Choices, Red Tape and
Detective Tony Fiore. If your oppo-
nent doesn't have cards in his hand
then he doesn't have anything to play.
In turn, you also make your opponents
use up CP and RP as they try to get
more cards.
• Ambush and Hide. Combat cards in
a deck? Why not? Most decks come
with adversaries. Any time you can
make an adversary miss (lose an attack)
you should. An example: Krycek can
take a punch but Blevins can't. Why
not let the one-man demolition crew take
the adversary out, while Blevins can Hide
or Ambush (Blevins takes no damage)?
• Sheriff Daniel and Detective Thomp-
son. One of the best ways to stop a team
investigating a site is to change the pre-
requisite to a skill the team doesn't have.
These two bluffs are cheap (2 CP) if played
face down. Not a bad way to stop a site.
Detective Tony Fiore. If your oppo-
nent doesn't have cards in his hand
then he doesn't have anything to play.
In turn, you also make your opponents
use up CP and RP as they try to get
more cards.
• Ambush and Hide. Combat cards in
a deck? Why not? Most decks come
with adversaries. Any time you can
make an adversary miss (lose an attack)
you should. An example: Krycek can
take a punch but Blevins can't. Why
not let the one-man demolition crew take
the adversary out, while Blevins can Hide
or Ambush (Blevins takes no damage)?
• Sheriff Daniel and Detective Thomp-
son. One of the best ways to stop a team
investigating a site is to change the pre-
requisite to a skill the team doesn't have.
These two bluffs are cheap (2 CP) if played
face down. Not a bad way to stop a site.
• The Cigarette-Smoking Man Strikes and
The Conundrum. No deck is complete
unless you have this card. It lets you change
a keyword to match the activator you are
looking for. This is great when played with
an adversary, but costs a lot of CP. You
should also try to play it with The Conun-
drum to negate a site card.
1 Agent Alex Krycek
1 Agent Rich
1 Assistant Director
Walter Skinner
1 Section Chief Scott Blevins
1 Broad Street,
Philadelphia, PA
2 Cumberland Prison, VA
1 Ellens Air Base, ID
1 Franklin, PA
1 Icy Cope, AK
1 Skyland Mountain, VA
1 Tracking the Killer
2 University of Maryland,
Baltimore, MD
2 Women's Health Clinic,
Richville, MD
The Conundrum. No deck is complete
unless you have this card. It lets you change
a keyword to match the activator you are
looking for. This is great when played with
an adversary, but costs a lot of CP. You
should also try to play it with The Conun-
drum to negate a site card.
1 Agent Alex Krycek
1 Agent Rich
1 Assistant Director
Walter Skinner
1 Section Chief Scott Blevins
1 Broad Street,
Philadelphia, PA
2 Cumberland Prison, VA
1 Ellens Air Base, ID
1 Franklin, PA
1 Icy Cope, AK
1 Skyland Mountain, VA
1 Tracking the Killer
2 University of Maryland,
Baltimore, MD
2 Women's Health Clinic,
Richville, MD
2 A Friend in the FBI
2 Road Trip
1 Application For FBI
Resources Approved
2 Authorized Access Only
1 Blackmail
2 Decoy
2 Equipment Malfunction
1 Grid Pattern Search
2 Langly
1 Medical Treatment
1 Paperwork
1 Red Tape
2 Rejuvenating Caves
1 Smoke Screen
2 Spying Mission
1 Suspect Description
1 Taking Chances
1 The Cigarette Smoking
Man Strikes
1 Travel Arrangements
1 Cellular Phone
1 Glock 19 Semi-Automatic
2 Shotgun
2 A Friend in the FBI
2 Road Trip
1 Application For FBI
Resources Approved
2 Authorized Access Only
1 Blackmail
2 Decoy
2 Equipment Malfunction
1 Grid Pattern Search
2 Langly
1 Medical Treatment
1 Paperwork
1 Red Tape
2 Rejuvenating Caves
1 Smoke Screen
2 Spying Mission
1 Suspect Description
1 Taking Chances
1 The Cigarette Smoking
Man Strikes
1 Travel Arrangements
1 Cellular Phone
1 Glock 19 Semi-Automatic
2 Shotgun
2 Sheriff Daniels
2 Detective Thompson
2 The Conundrum
2 Detective Tony Fiore
1 You've Got a Tail
1 Limited Choices
1 Mindwipe Serum
1 Alien Bounty Hunter
1 Crew-Cut Man
1 Mechanic, The
1 Sandman, The
2 Ambush
1 Hide
If you don't have two A Friend in the FBI's, replace them with a couple of Hard Evidences.
If you're missing Limited Choices, any Government event card will suffice. Shotguns are
2 Sheriff Daniels
2 Detective Thompson
2 The Conundrum
2 Detective Tony Fiore
1 You've Got a Tail
1 Limited Choices
1 Mindwipe Serum
1 Alien Bounty Hunter
1 Crew-Cut Man
1 Mechanic, The
1 Sandman, The
2 Ambush
1 Hide
If you don't have two A Friend in the FBI's, replace them with a couple of Hard Evidences.
If you're missing Limited Choices, any Government event card will suffice. Shotguns are
very useful for the number of CPs they provide, but since that's all they're there for, you
an use M-16 Assault Rifles instead.