InQuest 28 - 90 - On Deck - X-Files CCG Feature
[on deck]
The X-Files™ CCG: The
Truth Is Out There
If we were conspiracy theorists, we'd say that someone, some-
where had it in for the X-Files™ CCG. How else can you
explain the fact that one of the most innovative collectible card
games of 1997 - one with a killer license, no less - completely
ran aground when it came to production? Premiere Edition
booster packs would come with 13 X-Files
and two witnesses. Starter decks would have
the box runs of identical card sets - and no sites.
Collation problems
made the game virtu-
ally unplayable without
a serious amount of
effort, and fans noticed.
Would the X-Files stay
closed, forever?
Fortunately, the
answer's no. With the
release of the Truth Is
Out There Edition
(TIOTE) of X-Files, USPC
The X-Files™ CCG: The
Truth Is Out There
If we were conspiracy theorists, we'd say that someone, some-
where had it in for the X-Files™ CCG. How else can you
explain the fact that one of the most innovative collectible card
games of 1997 - one with a killer license, no less - completely
ran aground when it came to production? Premiere Edition
booster packs would come with 13 X-Files
and two witnesses. Starter decks would have
the box runs of identical card sets - and no sites.
Collation problems
made the game virtu-
ally unplayable without
a serious amount of
effort, and fans noticed.
Would the X-Files stay
closed, forever?
Fortunately, the
answer's no. With the
release of the Truth Is
Out There Edition
(TIOTE) of X-Files, USPC
has relaunched the game
in a format that's instantly
accessible to new players.
The starter decks are semi-
constructed: each one has
a "core" of 50 cards that
compose a playable deck,
along with 15 random
cards to make each one
distinct. There are six dif-
ferent "cores"; the new
starter decks are num-
bered so that, if you and a
co-conspirator each buy a
starter, you can make sure
that you're getting differ-
ent decks before you play.
The big change in the boosters is the absence of Agents
and X-Files - players get plenty of those in starter decks, and
the new format is perfect for cracking open and shuffling into
a sealed deck. It's also where you'll find the majority of the
new ultra-rares.
To mark the transition from Premiere to TIOTE, USPC has
also taken 30 cards out of the set, including the much-loved
X and Deep Throat and the much-ignored Agent-Killers like
Lamana Dies in Fatal Elevator Accident. New cards, like Mrs.
Mulder and False Leads, take their place.
Back in issue #18, we gave the preview version of The X-
Files™ CCG a rating of five. Now that we've seen The Truth Is
Out There, we're confident that we made the right decision.
- Jason Schneiderman
in a format that's instantly
accessible to new players.
The starter decks are semi-
constructed: each one has
a "core" of 50 cards that
compose a playable deck,
along with 15 random
cards to make each one
distinct. There are six dif-
ferent "cores"; the new
starter decks are num-
bered so that, if you and a
co-conspirator each buy a
starter, you can make sure
that you're getting differ-
ent decks before you play.
The big change in the boosters is the absence of Agents
and X-Files - players get plenty of those in starter decks, and
the new format is perfect for cracking open and shuffling into
a sealed deck. It's also where you'll find the majority of the
new ultra-rares.
To mark the transition from Premiere to TIOTE, USPC has
also taken 30 cards out of the set, including the much-loved
X and Deep Throat and the much-ignored Agent-Killers like
Lamana Dies in Fatal Elevator Accident. New cards, like Mrs.
Mulder and False Leads, take their place.
Back in issue #18, we gave the preview version of The X-
Files™ CCG a rating of five. Now that we've seen The Truth Is
Out There, we're confident that we made the right decision.
- Jason Schneiderman
[the box]
the truth is out
Game: The X-Files™ CCG
Publisher: USPC Games
Designers: Dave Frank, Andy Graumann and
Don Kent
Genre: Science Fiction/Horror Conspiracy
Set Size: 354 cards
Release: April, 1997
Packaging: 60-card starter decks; 15-card
Suggested Retail: $9.50 per starter; $3.00
per booster
[on deck]
First off... it's Fox Mulder's birthday. October 13, 1961. And we
like to call it "ten-thirteen-sixty-one" when we refer to it by
So, aside from a puzzler of a title, what does the first expan-
sion have to offer to players of The X-Files™ Collectible Card Game?
The set revolves around the series' third season, with episodes
like "War of the Coprophages" (the one with the mechanical
cockroaches) and "Pusher" (the one with the mind-controller). As
a result, there's the usual bevy of new adversaries and events
related to them.
the truth is out
Game: The X-Files™ CCG
Publisher: USPC Games
Designers: Dave Frank, Andy Graumann and
Don Kent
Genre: Science Fiction/Horror Conspiracy
Set Size: 354 cards
Release: April, 1997
Packaging: 60-card starter decks; 15-card
Suggested Retail: $9.50 per starter; $3.00
per booster
[on deck]
First off... it's Fox Mulder's birthday. October 13, 1961. And we
like to call it "ten-thirteen-sixty-one" when we refer to it by
So, aside from a puzzler of a title, what does the first expan-
sion have to offer to players of The X-Files™ Collectible Card Game?
The set revolves around the series' third season, with episodes
like "War of the Coprophages" (the one with the mechanical
cockroaches) and "Pusher" (the one with the mind-controller). As
a result, there's the usual bevy of new adversaries and events
related to them.
On the new-mechanics front, 101361
introduces forced-discard to the game. Cards
like Dissolving Evidence
and Cerulean Blue move
cards from the deck to
the discard pile, while
Deceiving The Flock
makes your opponent
discard from his hand.
It's an interesting
twist...however, since
running out of cards
doesn't cause a loss in
X-Files, only a reshuffle, it's
more of a delaying tactic
than a game-winner.
The new agents, how-
ever, have much more
potential. In addition to
two new six-cost "big
guns" - Agents Patterson
and Pendrell - there are
also "weenie agents" with
values of three and two;
there's even a one-cost
agent - all are perfect for
diversifying your investi-
gating teams or using as
sacrificial lambs for big,
ugly adversaries.
introduces forced-discard to the game. Cards
like Dissolving Evidence
and Cerulean Blue move
cards from the deck to
the discard pile, while
Deceiving The Flock
makes your opponent
discard from his hand.
It's an interesting
twist...however, since
running out of cards
doesn't cause a loss in
X-Files, only a reshuffle, it's
more of a delaying tactic
than a game-winner.
The new agents, how-
ever, have much more
potential. In addition to
two new six-cost "big
guns" - Agents Patterson
and Pendrell - there are
also "weenie agents" with
values of three and two;
there's even a one-cost
agent - all are perfect for
diversifying your investi-
gating teams or using as
sacrificial lambs for big,
ugly adversaries.
Witnesses also get a big boost in 101361. They're still one-
shots, but now they can add as much as +3 to a given skill check,
or give you a choice between two skills, or act as "magic bul-
lets" to negate a particular card. And, with Detective Manning's
ability to search your deck to add a witness to your hand, it
becomes even easier to use them effectively.
Other innovations include a handful of search-your-deck cards,
events that stay in play to offer counters and long-lasting effects-
Rejuvenating Caves, for one, is a CP-generating gold mine - and
disposable equipment that gives a +3 bonus to a given skill check
but gets discarded after one use.
You won't find the next Deep Throat in 101361, but there are
many cards that add versatility and speed to the average X-Files™
deck. Ask for it by name...er, number.
-Jason Schneiderman
[the box]
shots, but now they can add as much as +3 to a given skill check,
or give you a choice between two skills, or act as "magic bul-
lets" to negate a particular card. And, with Detective Manning's
ability to search your deck to add a witness to your hand, it
becomes even easier to use them effectively.
Other innovations include a handful of search-your-deck cards,
events that stay in play to offer counters and long-lasting effects-
Rejuvenating Caves, for one, is a CP-generating gold mine - and
disposable equipment that gives a +3 bonus to a given skill check
but gets discarded after one use.
You won't find the next Deep Throat in 101361, but there are
many cards that add versatility and speed to the average X-Files™
deck. Ask for it by name...er, number.
-Jason Schneiderman
[the box]
Game: The X-Files™ CCG
Publisher: USPC Games
Designers: Dave Frank, Andy Graumann and
Don Kent
Genre: Science Fiction/Horror Conspiracy
Set Size: 125 cards
Release: May, 1997
Packaging: 15-card booster packs
Suggested Retail: $3.00 per booster