InQuest 19 - 136 - The X-Files CCG - Preview Card Guide
players guide
Full Set (365 cards)
Name Cost Health LRC CRC Rarity
Abduction 6 - - - R
Target agent is placed 10 cards down, face up, in the owning player's
Bureau deck. Any equipment the agent had is discarded. When the
agent's card reaches the top of the deck, the agent is immediately
moved to the Hospital. This card does not initiate combat.
Fox Mulder and
Dana Scully: The combo so
nice they built a show around
it, Mulder and Scully can be
the backbone of a formidable
agent team. They've got skill
scores that will beat the
requirements of most sites,
and Fox's ability to play sites
for free lets you save resource
points for events. Dana's no
slouch either, scouting out
sites to see if those bluff
cards are dangerous.
players guide
Full Set (365 cards)
Name Cost Health LRC CRC Rarity
Abduction 6 - - - R
Target agent is placed 10 cards down, face up, in the owning player's
Bureau deck. Any equipment the agent had is discarded. When the
agent's card reaches the top of the deck, the agent is immediately
moved to the Hospital. This card does not initiate combat.
Fox Mulder and
Dana Scully: The combo so
nice they built a show around
it, Mulder and Scully can be
the backbone of a formidable
agent team. They've got skill
scores that will beat the
requirements of most sites,
and Fox's ability to play sites
for free lets you save resource
points for events. Dana's no
slouch either, scouting out
sites to see if those bluff
cards are dangerous.
Alien Bounty Hunter 12 6 - 6 R
Each source of damage affecting the Bounty Hunter in close range
combat also causes 1 damage to each opposing team member
involved in the combat. The Hunter may use Martial Arts and Sub-
terfuge combat cards. If killed in combat, place the Hunter back in
your deck and shuffle.
Alien Harvester 4 - - - R
Flip this cord from a height of one foot (ala Chaos Orb). Any agents in
the investigating team being touched by the Orb, er, Harvester when it
stops are abducted (see the Abduction entry for further details).
Crew Cut Man 6 5 4 4 U
Target agent is the only one who may participate in the combat. The
Crew Cut Man may use Martial Arts and Subterfuge combat cards.
Dark Angel, The 10 10 5 8 Pr
The Dark Angel may play all combat cards for 1 CP less.
Darkness Falls 6 - - - U
Unless a healing card is played immediately and the card results in 1
point being healed, move target agent to the hospital. The agent must
stay in the hospital for the next turn.
Each source of damage affecting the Bounty Hunter in close range
combat also causes 1 damage to each opposing team member
involved in the combat. The Hunter may use Martial Arts and Sub-
terfuge combat cards. If killed in combat, place the Hunter back in
your deck and shuffle.
Alien Harvester 4 - - - R
Flip this cord from a height of one foot (ala Chaos Orb). Any agents in
the investigating team being touched by the Orb, er, Harvester when it
stops are abducted (see the Abduction entry for further details).
Crew Cut Man 6 5 4 4 U
Target agent is the only one who may participate in the combat. The
Crew Cut Man may use Martial Arts and Subterfuge combat cards.
Dark Angel, The 10 10 5 8 Pr
The Dark Angel may play all combat cards for 1 CP less.
Darkness Falls 6 - - - U
Unless a healing card is played immediately and the card results in 1
point being healed, move target agent to the hospital. The agent must
stay in the hospital for the next turn.
Deadly Blur 7 6 - 4 U
Any agent damaged by the Deadly Blur is placed in the hospital for the
next two turns regardless of how much health he or she has. Each
opponent's LRC and CRC is reduced one point. The Deadly Blur may
use Subterfuge combat cards.
Name Cost Health LRC CRC Rarity
Good People, Good Food 8 10 0 3 U
Damage caused by this creature may be split amongst all opponents.
Host Attacks, The 4 3 - 2 R
Place five tokens on any agent that loses Health as a result of this
creature's attack. Remove a token in each of that agent's Briefing
phases. At the end of the turn when the last token is removed, the
agent is removed from the game. This card can be negated by the
team of agents by playing a Healing card prior to the agent being
Hunter in the Dark 7 5 - 4 F
In the first round of combat, the Long Range Combat round is skipped.
Kiss of the Vampire 10 6 - 5 R
Play this card on a team in the field that plays a witness. Discard the
witness card. The witness is actually a lesser vampire that attacks the
team in conjunction with the master vampire. Long Range combat will
cause no damage to either vampire.
Any agent damaged by the Deadly Blur is placed in the hospital for the
next two turns regardless of how much health he or she has. Each
opponent's LRC and CRC is reduced one point. The Deadly Blur may
use Subterfuge combat cards.
Name Cost Health LRC CRC Rarity
Good People, Good Food 8 10 0 3 U
Damage caused by this creature may be split amongst all opponents.
Host Attacks, The 4 3 - 2 R
Place five tokens on any agent that loses Health as a result of this
creature's attack. Remove a token in each of that agent's Briefing
phases. At the end of the turn when the last token is removed, the
agent is removed from the game. This card can be negated by the
team of agents by playing a Healing card prior to the agent being
Hunter in the Dark 7 5 - 4 F
In the first round of combat, the Long Range Combat round is skipped.
Kiss of the Vampire 10 6 - 5 R
Play this card on a team in the field that plays a witness. Discard the
witness card. The witness is actually a lesser vampire that attacks the
team in conjunction with the master vampire. Long Range combat will
cause no damage to either vampire.
Living Machine 6 7 0 4 U
Fight combat as normal except skip Long Range combat and go
straight to Close Range combat. Agents must use their computer skill
as their value in CRC. If an agent has no computer skill, his value is 1.
Manitou Stalks His Pray, The 6 8 - 6 R
Any agent wounded by the Manitou may not heal wounds until a heat
ing card is successfully played on him.
Mechanic, The 7 5 4 3 U
The Mechanic may use Martial Arts and Subterfuge combat cards.
Operation Falcon Blue Berets 7 8 4 3 R
Damage caused by this creature may be split amongst all opponents.
The Blue Berets may use Martial Arts combat cards.
Pheromone Induced Psychosis 3 3 * * U
Play this card on a team in the field that plays a witness. The witness
card is discarded and the team is attacked. The creature's LRC and
CRC are equal to the witness' modifier. If the witness has no modifier,
treat the witness as a +3.
Poltergeist Attack 3 2 2 2 F
The Poltergeist is unaffected by combat attacks. It will attack for one
Long Range and one Close Range combat round and then leave. Its
attack can be avoided by making an Occult 4+ skill check.
Private McAlpin, Zombie 6 6 - 5 F
Long Range combat attacks cause only half damage (round up) to the
Fight combat as normal except skip Long Range combat and go
straight to Close Range combat. Agents must use their computer skill
as their value in CRC. If an agent has no computer skill, his value is 1.
Manitou Stalks His Pray, The 6 8 - 6 R
Any agent wounded by the Manitou may not heal wounds until a heat
ing card is successfully played on him.
Mechanic, The 7 5 4 3 U
The Mechanic may use Martial Arts and Subterfuge combat cards.
Operation Falcon Blue Berets 7 8 4 3 R
Damage caused by this creature may be split amongst all opponents.
The Blue Berets may use Martial Arts combat cards.
Pheromone Induced Psychosis 3 3 * * U
Play this card on a team in the field that plays a witness. The witness
card is discarded and the team is attacked. The creature's LRC and
CRC are equal to the witness' modifier. If the witness has no modifier,
treat the witness as a +3.
Poltergeist Attack 3 2 2 2 F
The Poltergeist is unaffected by combat attacks. It will attack for one
Long Range and one Close Range combat round and then leave. Its
attack can be avoided by making an Occult 4+ skill check.
Private McAlpin, Zombie 6 6 - 5 F
Long Range combat attacks cause only half damage (round up) to the
Psychotic Attack, The 4 5 3 2 F
Damage from Long Range combat may be split amongst all oppo-
nents, directed player's choice.
Sandman, The 4 5 * * U
The creature has LRC and CRC equal to the highest combat rating in
the team (including modifiers) plus one. The Sandman may use Sub-
terfuge combat cards.
Slithers in the Night 4 6 - 6 F
Squeeze, The 3 5 - 3 U
In the first round of combat, the Long Range combat round is skipped.
Name Cost Health LRC CRC Rarity
Suppressed Fury 5 9 - 2 F
Regardless of how much damage is done to this creature in the Long
Range combat round, it will attack in the Close Range combat round.
If its health has been exceeded, it is removed at the end of the Close
Combat round.
Name Cost Rsrc Health LRC CRC Rarity
Damage from Long Range combat may be split amongst all oppo-
nents, directed player's choice.
Sandman, The 4 5 * * U
The creature has LRC and CRC equal to the highest combat rating in
the team (including modifiers) plus one. The Sandman may use Sub-
terfuge combat cards.
Slithers in the Night 4 6 - 6 F
Squeeze, The 3 5 - 3 U
In the first round of combat, the Long Range combat round is skipped.
Name Cost Health LRC CRC Rarity
Suppressed Fury 5 9 - 2 F
Regardless of how much damage is done to this creature in the Long
Range combat round, it will attack in the Close Range combat round.
If its health has been exceeded, it is removed at the end of the Close
Combat round.
Name Cost Rsrc Health LRC CRC Rarity
Agent Henderson 3 1 3 1 1 Pr
Evidence Collection: 3, Criminal Investigation: 1, Observation: 2, Sci
ences: 2. Game Effect: Place a token on this card. Discard a token and
look through your Bureau deck to draw any one site thot asks a
Motive question. Add it to your hand and reshuffle your deck.
Agent Janus 4 1 4 1 1 F
Computer: 2, Evidence Collection: 1, Medical: 3. Game Effect: Place 1
RP on this card. This RP may be used to pay for any Medical or Heal-
ing cards. If you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase. In
addition, if Janus is in the Field section, he may "heal" one point of
damage on another agent. This will not prevent an agent from going
to the hospitol.
Agent Karen Kossoff 3 1 3 1 1 F
Behavioral: 3, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evidence Collection: 1, Medi
cal: 1, Occult Investigation: 2. Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this card.
This RP may be used to pay for any Behavioral or Observation cards. If
you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase.
Agent Moe Bocks 5 1 4 2 2 F
Alien Investigation: 2, Bureaucracy: 1, Criminal Investigation: 3, Evi
dence Collection: 2, Observation: 1, Sciences: 1. Game Effect: Place 1
RP on this card. This RP may be used to pay for any Alien Investiga-
tion or Occult Investigation cards. If you use this RP, replace it during
your Briefing phase.
Agent Rich 4 1 4 2 2 F
Behavioral: 2, Computer: 1, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collec-
tion: 2, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this card. This RP
may be used to pay for any Evidence Collection or Subterfuge cards. If
you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase.
Evidence Collection: 3, Criminal Investigation: 1, Observation: 2, Sci
ences: 2. Game Effect: Place a token on this card. Discard a token and
look through your Bureau deck to draw any one site thot asks a
Motive question. Add it to your hand and reshuffle your deck.
Agent Janus 4 1 4 1 1 F
Computer: 2, Evidence Collection: 1, Medical: 3. Game Effect: Place 1
RP on this card. This RP may be used to pay for any Medical or Heal-
ing cards. If you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase. In
addition, if Janus is in the Field section, he may "heal" one point of
damage on another agent. This will not prevent an agent from going
to the hospitol.
Agent Karen Kossoff 3 1 3 1 1 F
Behavioral: 3, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evidence Collection: 1, Medi
cal: 1, Occult Investigation: 2. Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this card.
This RP may be used to pay for any Behavioral or Observation cards. If
you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase.
Agent Moe Bocks 5 1 4 2 2 F
Alien Investigation: 2, Bureaucracy: 1, Criminal Investigation: 3, Evi
dence Collection: 2, Observation: 1, Sciences: 1. Game Effect: Place 1
RP on this card. This RP may be used to pay for any Alien Investiga-
tion or Occult Investigation cards. If you use this RP, replace it during
your Briefing phase.
Agent Rich 4 1 4 2 2 F
Behavioral: 2, Computer: 1, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collec-
tion: 2, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this card. This RP
may be used to pay for any Evidence Collection or Subterfuge cards. If
you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase.
Agent Weiss 4 1 4 3 2 F
Computer: 1, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evidence Collection: 2, Obser-
vation: 2, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Place a token on this card. Dis-
card the token and look through your Bureau deck to draw any one
site that asks a Method question. Add it to your hand and reshuffle
your deck.
Albert Hosteen 4 1 3 1 1 F
Alien Investigation: 2, Medical: 2, Observation: 1, Occult Investiga-
tion: 4, Subterfuge: 2. Game Effect: Place a token on Hosteen's card.
Discard a token to look at your opponent's hand. Select any one con-
spiracy card. If your opponent plays that card at any time in the game,
you may immediately ask one question about the X-File.
Alex Krycek 6 2 5 4 2 F,UR
Alien Investigation: 3, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collection:
2, Subterfuge: 4, Sciences: 1. Game Effect: He may choose to add to
the Conspiracy pool instead of the Resource pool during his Briefing
Assistant Director Walter Skinner 6 1 5 2 3 F,UR
Bureaucracy: 4, Criminal Investigation: 3, Evidence Collection: 2, Sub-
terfuge: 3. Game Effect: Treat Skinner as a Res 3 if he is in the
Bureau section of the table.
Dana Scully 7 2 4 3 2 F,UR
Behavioral: 1, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collection: 2, Medi-
cal: 4, Observation: 2, Occult Investigation: 1, Sciences: 3. Game
Effect: Place 3 tokens on this card. Discard a token to examine any
one Bluff card. Place Bluff card back on the site after examining.
Computer: 1, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evidence Collection: 2, Obser-
vation: 2, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Place a token on this card. Dis-
card the token and look through your Bureau deck to draw any one
site that asks a Method question. Add it to your hand and reshuffle
your deck.
Albert Hosteen 4 1 3 1 1 F
Alien Investigation: 2, Medical: 2, Observation: 1, Occult Investiga-
tion: 4, Subterfuge: 2. Game Effect: Place a token on Hosteen's card.
Discard a token to look at your opponent's hand. Select any one con-
spiracy card. If your opponent plays that card at any time in the game,
you may immediately ask one question about the X-File.
Alex Krycek 6 2 5 4 2 F,UR
Alien Investigation: 3, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collection:
2, Subterfuge: 4, Sciences: 1. Game Effect: He may choose to add to
the Conspiracy pool instead of the Resource pool during his Briefing
Assistant Director Walter Skinner 6 1 5 2 3 F,UR
Bureaucracy: 4, Criminal Investigation: 3, Evidence Collection: 2, Sub-
terfuge: 3. Game Effect: Treat Skinner as a Res 3 if he is in the
Bureau section of the table.
Dana Scully 7 2 4 3 2 F,UR
Behavioral: 1, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collection: 2, Medi-
cal: 4, Observation: 2, Occult Investigation: 1, Sciences: 3. Game
Effect: Place 3 tokens on this card. Discard a token to examine any
one Bluff card. Place Bluff card back on the site after examining.
Dr. Charles Burk 4 1 3 1 1 F
Alien Investigation: 1, Computer: 4, Observation: 1, Occult Investiga-
tion: 2, Sciences: 2. Game Effect: Place 1 token on this card. Discard
the token to negate one Occult Adversary.
Fox Mulder 7 2 5 2 2 F,UR
Alien Investigation: 4, Behavioral: 3, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evi-
dence Collection: 2, Observation: 2, Occult Investigation: 3, Sciences:
1, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Place 3 tokens on this card. Discard a
token to play a Site for 0 RP cost. May not contribute RP's to pool.
Inspector Phoebe Green 5 1 4 2 2 F
Criminal Investigation: 3, Evidence Collection: 2, Observation: 3, Sci-
ences: 2. Place a token on this card. Discard a token to move Mulder
from anywhere on the table to the team Green is in. Mulder may
assist in any skill check made by the team. (This may allow Mulder to
assist on two sites in one turn.)
Jack Willis 4 1 5 3 2 F
Behavioral: 2, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collection: 2, Occult
Investigation: 1, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Place a token on this
card. Discard the token and look through your Bureau deck to draw
any one site that asks an Affiliation question. Add it to your hand and
reshuffle your deck.
Alien Investigation: 1, Computer: 4, Observation: 1, Occult Investiga-
tion: 2, Sciences: 2. Game Effect: Place 1 token on this card. Discard
the token to negate one Occult Adversary.
Fox Mulder 7 2 5 2 2 F,UR
Alien Investigation: 4, Behavioral: 3, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evi-
dence Collection: 2, Observation: 2, Occult Investigation: 3, Sciences:
1, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Place 3 tokens on this card. Discard a
token to play a Site for 0 RP cost. May not contribute RP's to pool.
Inspector Phoebe Green 5 1 4 2 2 F
Criminal Investigation: 3, Evidence Collection: 2, Observation: 3, Sci-
ences: 2. Place a token on this card. Discard a token to move Mulder
from anywhere on the table to the team Green is in. Mulder may
assist in any skill check made by the team. (This may allow Mulder to
assist on two sites in one turn.)
Jack Willis 4 1 5 3 2 F
Behavioral: 2, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collection: 2, Occult
Investigation: 1, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Place a token on this
card. Discard the token and look through your Bureau deck to draw
any one site that asks an Affiliation question. Add it to your hand and
reshuffle your deck.
Jerry Lamana 3 1 3 1 1 F
Bureacracy: 2, Computer: 3, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evidence Collec-
tion: 1. Game Effect: Once per game, when Lamana is part of a team
investigating a site, he may force his opponent to show the cards in his
hand. Lamana may then steal any one card which he must use immedi-
ately in the investigation. Return the card to its owner afterwards.