InQuest 19 - 137 - The X-Files CCG - Preview Card Guide
Name Cost Rsrc Health LRC CRC Rarity
Lt. Brian Tillman 4 1 4 2 2 F
Bureaucracy: 1, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collection: 2,
Occult Investigation: 1, Sciences: 2. Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this
card. This RP may be used to pay for any equipment or combat cards.
If you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase.
Lucy Kazdin 4 1 4 2 2 F
Alien Investigation: 1, Behavioral: 3, Computer: 1, Medical: 1, Obser-
vation: 1, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: If one of your agents is
abducted, you may immediately draw two cords.
Nancy Spiller 4 1 3 1 1 F
Bureaucracy: 2, Computer: 1, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evidence Col
lection: 1, Medical: 3, Science: 2. Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this
card. This RP may be used to pay for any Computer or Science card. If
you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase.
Reggie Purdue 5 1 4 2 1 F
Behavioral: 1, Computer: 2, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collec-
tion: 2, Observation: 2, Subterfuge: 2. Game Effect: Place a token on
this card. Discard this token and look through your Bureau deck to
draw any one site that asks a Result question. Add it to your hand and
reshuffle your deck.
Section Chief Scott Blevins 4 1 3 1 1 F
Alien Investigation: 1, Bureaucracy: 3, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evi-
dence Collection: 1, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Treat Blevins as a
Res 2 if he is in the Bureau Section. If he is in the Bureau Section, he
may contribute to the Conspiracy Pool instead of the Resources Pool
during his Briefing phase.
Lt. Brian Tillman 4 1 4 2 2 F
Bureaucracy: 1, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collection: 2,
Occult Investigation: 1, Sciences: 2. Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this
card. This RP may be used to pay for any equipment or combat cards.
If you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase.
Lucy Kazdin 4 1 4 2 2 F
Alien Investigation: 1, Behavioral: 3, Computer: 1, Medical: 1, Obser-
vation: 1, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: If one of your agents is
abducted, you may immediately draw two cords.
Nancy Spiller 4 1 3 1 1 F
Bureaucracy: 2, Computer: 1, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evidence Col
lection: 1, Medical: 3, Science: 2. Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this
card. This RP may be used to pay for any Computer or Science card. If
you use this RP, replace it during your Briefing phase.
Reggie Purdue 5 1 4 2 1 F
Behavioral: 1, Computer: 2, Criminal Investigation: 2, Evidence Collec-
tion: 2, Observation: 2, Subterfuge: 2. Game Effect: Place a token on
this card. Discard this token and look through your Bureau deck to
draw any one site that asks a Result question. Add it to your hand and
reshuffle your deck.
Section Chief Scott Blevins 4 1 3 1 1 F
Alien Investigation: 1, Bureaucracy: 3, Criminal Investigation: 1, Evi-
dence Collection: 1, Subterfuge: 1. Game Effect: Treat Blevins as a
Res 2 if he is in the Bureau Section. If he is in the Bureau Section, he
may contribute to the Conspiracy Pool instead of the Resources Pool
during his Briefing phase.
Tom Colton 4 2 3 2 2 F
Behavioral: 1, Bureaucracy: 1, Criminal Investigation: 2, Sciences: 1.
Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this card. This RP may be used to pay for
any Criminal Investigation or Bureaucracy cards. If you use this RP,
replace it during your Briefing phase.
Name Cost Rarity
Car Troubles 3 F
Play on a team of 3 of more agents moving to the same site. The
team may only send two agents to that site. Any extra agents remain
in the team but may not contribute their skills to any checks this turn.
In addition, playing this card will prevent the use of the Evasive
Maneuver card by this team this turn.
Cigarette Butts X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the folloeang skills: Occult Investigation,
Behavioral, Bureaucracy. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Claude Peterson X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Criminal Investigation,
Subterfuge, Computer. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Behavioral: 1, Bureaucracy: 1, Criminal Investigation: 2, Sciences: 1.
Game Effect: Place 1 RP on this card. This RP may be used to pay for
any Criminal Investigation or Bureaucracy cards. If you use this RP,
replace it during your Briefing phase.
Name Cost Rarity
Car Troubles 3 F
Play on a team of 3 of more agents moving to the same site. The
team may only send two agents to that site. Any extra agents remain
in the team but may not contribute their skills to any checks this turn.
In addition, playing this card will prevent the use of the Evasive
Maneuver card by this team this turn.
Cigarette Butts X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the folloeang skills: Occult Investigation,
Behavioral, Bureaucracy. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Claude Peterson X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Criminal Investigation,
Subterfuge, Computer. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Contaminated Sample 4 C
Play to force the investigating player to discard all Evidence Collection
cards in his hand.
Conundrum, The 3 U
Play to negate one Evidence Collection card.
Detective Kelly Ryan 1 C
Play to change one Evidence Collection. Behavioral, or Criminal Investi-
gation card to keyword Motive.
Detective Miles 1 U
Pay 1 CP to move up to 2 RPs from your opponent's RP pool to your
CP pool immediately.
Detective Thompson 3 U
Play to change a site prerequisite to Bureaucracy 3+.
Detective Tony Fiore 2 U
Play to cause your opponent to discard 2 cards at random from his
hand immediately.
Dr. Aaron Monte 1 C
Play to change one keyword Evidence Collection, Medical, or Criminal
Investigation card to keyword Motive.
Dr. Berube X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Alien Investigation,
Medical, Sciences. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Play to force the investigating player to discard all Evidence Collection
cards in his hand.
Conundrum, The 3 U
Play to negate one Evidence Collection card.
Detective Kelly Ryan 1 C
Play to change one Evidence Collection. Behavioral, or Criminal Investi-
gation card to keyword Motive.
Detective Miles 1 U
Pay 1 CP to move up to 2 RPs from your opponent's RP pool to your
CP pool immediately.
Detective Thompson 3 U
Play to change a site prerequisite to Bureaucracy 3+.
Detective Tony Fiore 2 U
Play to cause your opponent to discard 2 cards at random from his
hand immediately.
Dr. Aaron Monte 1 C
Play to change one keyword Evidence Collection, Medical, or Criminal
Investigation card to keyword Motive.
Dr. Berube X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Alien Investigation,
Medical, Sciences. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Ghost in the Machine 1 C
Play to change one keyword Computer, Science, or Subterfuge to key-
word Result.
Government Cover-Up X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills Science, Evidence Col
lection, Bureaucracy. 1 = -1, 3 = -2 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Harry Cokely 1 C
Play to change one keyword Occult Investigation, Behavioral, or
Observation card to keyword Method.
Henry Trondheim 2 U
Force the team investigating a site discard one equipment card of
your choice.
Holtzman, D.S.A. X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Criminal Investigation,
Evidence Collection, Computer. 1 = -1, 3 = -2 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Name Cost Rarity
Intruder Counter Measures 1 U
Play to add 2 CP to your pool immediately.
Play to change one keyword Computer, Science, or Subterfuge to key-
word Result.
Government Cover-Up X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills Science, Evidence Col
lection, Bureaucracy. 1 = -1, 3 = -2 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Harry Cokely 1 C
Play to change one keyword Occult Investigation, Behavioral, or
Observation card to keyword Method.
Henry Trondheim 2 U
Force the team investigating a site discard one equipment card of
your choice.
Holtzman, D.S.A. X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Criminal Investigation,
Evidence Collection, Computer. 1 = -1, 3 = -2 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Name Cost Rarity
Intruder Counter Measures 1 U
Play to add 2 CP to your pool immediately.
Laser Barrier 2 R
Play to prevent one agent assigned to a site from contributing his or
her skills to the next skill check that the team makes this turn.
Nasty Surprise 3 U
Play to add 5 CP to your pool.
Overcoat Man, The X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Medical, Observation,
Behavioral. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Paul Mossinger X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Alien Investigation,
Observation, Subterfuge. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Pete Calgani 2 U
Play to force your opponent to discard one Witness resource immedi-
Tanaka 3 U
Play to change the site prerequisite to Observation 3+.
Poisonous Gases 3 C
Force an opposing team to make a Sciences 4+ skill check. If they
foil, each agent takes 1 point of damage. If one of the agents has a
Gas Chromatograph, then this card has no effect.
Play to prevent one agent assigned to a site from contributing his or
her skills to the next skill check that the team makes this turn.
Nasty Surprise 3 U
Play to add 5 CP to your pool.
Overcoat Man, The X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Medical, Observation,
Behavioral. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Paul Mossinger X C
Pay the listed CP cost where X is the number of CP paid to gain the
desired modifier to one of the following skills: Alien Investigation,
Observation, Subterfuge. 1 = -1, 3 = -2, 5 = -3, 9 = -4.
Pete Calgani 2 U
Play to force your opponent to discard one Witness resource immedi-
Tanaka 3 U
Play to change the site prerequisite to Observation 3+.
Poisonous Gases 3 C
Force an opposing team to make a Sciences 4+ skill check. If they
foil, each agent takes 1 point of damage. If one of the agents has a
Gas Chromatograph, then this card has no effect.
Puzzles Within Puzzles 2 U
Play to negate one keyword Criminal Investigation card.
Radioactive Area 3 U
Increase a site prerequisite by one point. In addition, if the team fails
the skill check, each agent on the team takes one point of damage. If
one of the agents has a Geiger Counter, this card has no effect.
Section Chief Joseph Mcgrath 5 R
Force one agent of your choice back to the Bureau immediately. The
agent may not contribute to any skill checks this turn.
Sheriff Daniels 3 U
Play to change a site prerequisite to Subterfuge 3+.
Sinus Cavity Implant 1 U
Play on one agent to decrease that agent's Res value by one. This
card is removed when a Healing card is played on the agent.
Sleep Deprivation 2 R
Decrease all of the skill levels on one agent by one for this turn only.
Unnatural Aging 5 U
Force the team to make a Sciences 4+ skill check. If they fail choose
an agent to go to the hospital. The chosen agent permanently loses one
Health. The agent's permanent halt can never be reduced below 1.
You've Got a Shadow 3 C
Play after a team investigates a site to destroy one Event Resource.
Play to negate one keyword Criminal Investigation card.
Radioactive Area 3 U
Increase a site prerequisite by one point. In addition, if the team fails
the skill check, each agent on the team takes one point of damage. If
one of the agents has a Geiger Counter, this card has no effect.
Section Chief Joseph Mcgrath 5 R
Force one agent of your choice back to the Bureau immediately. The
agent may not contribute to any skill checks this turn.
Sheriff Daniels 3 U
Play to change a site prerequisite to Subterfuge 3+.
Sinus Cavity Implant 1 U
Play on one agent to decrease that agent's Res value by one. This
card is removed when a Healing card is played on the agent.
Sleep Deprivation 2 R
Decrease all of the skill levels on one agent by one for this turn only.
Unnatural Aging 5 U
Force the team to make a Sciences 4+ skill check. If they fail choose
an agent to go to the hospital. The chosen agent permanently loses one
Health. The agent's permanent halt can never be reduced below 1.
You've Got a Shadow 3 C
Play after a team investigates a site to destroy one Event Resource.
Name Cost Rarity
Alien Stealth Suit 2 U
Play on any Alien combatant to reduce damage from all opponent LRC
or CRC sources by 1 this round.
Ambush 2 C
Requires Subterfuge. The opposing side's LRC attack is negated this
Aura of Invulnerability 2 U
Play on any Occult adversary to reduce damage from all opponent LRC
or CRC sources by 1 this round.
Block 3 U
Play this card on any combatant in a CRC round to reduce the damage
from any one source by 4 points. The combatant using this card does
not deal damage in this CRC round.
Name Cost Rarity
Block and Attack 3 R
Requires Martial Arts. Combatant may use this card to negate 2 points
of damage and still deal his or her normal damage in a CRC round.
Name Cost Rarity
Alien Stealth Suit 2 U
Play on any Alien combatant to reduce damage from all opponent LRC
or CRC sources by 1 this round.
Ambush 2 C
Requires Subterfuge. The opposing side's LRC attack is negated this
Aura of Invulnerability 2 U
Play on any Occult adversary to reduce damage from all opponent LRC
or CRC sources by 1 this round.
Block 3 U
Play this card on any combatant in a CRC round to reduce the damage
from any one source by 4 points. The combatant using this card does
not deal damage in this CRC round.
Name Cost Rarity
Block and Attack 3 R
Requires Martial Arts. Combatant may use this card to negate 2 points
of damage and still deal his or her normal damage in a CRC round.
Body Armor 2 U
Play on any Government adversary to reduce damage from all oppo-
nent LRC and CRC sources by 1 this round.
Choke Hold 3 R
Requires Martial Arts. If the combatant causes damage in a close com-
bat then the damaged adversary/agent takes no further part in the
Covering Fire 1 U
Play on any Government adversary to allow it to split the LRC damage
it causes amongst its opponents this round.
Disarm 2 R
Requires Martial Arts. Play this card in a CRC round to cause one
equipment card from the opposing side to be discarded. If the equip-
ment normally adds to CRC skill check, then it is discarded before it
may do so.
Laser Barrier and
Computer Access
Denied: The wonders of
modern technology. First,
set up the Laser Barrier as a bluff.
Then, once the site skill check
begins, play Computer Access
Denied and use the Barrier to
keep the team's computer
whiz from contributing to the
4+ skill check. This should be
enough to stop all but the
most tech oriented teams of
agents from proceeding.
Play on any Government adversary to reduce damage from all oppo-
nent LRC and CRC sources by 1 this round.
Choke Hold 3 R
Requires Martial Arts. If the combatant causes damage in a close com-
bat then the damaged adversary/agent takes no further part in the
Covering Fire 1 U
Play on any Government adversary to allow it to split the LRC damage
it causes amongst its opponents this round.
Disarm 2 R
Requires Martial Arts. Play this card in a CRC round to cause one
equipment card from the opposing side to be discarded. If the equip-
ment normally adds to CRC skill check, then it is discarded before it
may do so.
Laser Barrier and
Computer Access
Denied: The wonders of
modern technology. First,
set up the Laser Barrier as a bluff.
Then, once the site skill check
begins, play Computer Access
Denied and use the Barrier to
keep the team's computer
whiz from contributing to the
4+ skill check. This should be
enough to stop all but the
most tech oriented teams of
agents from proceeding.
Dodge 3 U
Play this card on any combatant in an LRC round to reduce the dam-
age from any one source by 4 points. The combatant using this card
does not deal damage in this LRC round.
Energy Strike 3 R
Play on any Alien or Evolutionary adversary to add +3 to any LRC skill
check. If the adversary does not have LRC skill, this card gives it a 3
for this round only.
Face-Off 2 U
Play this card during an LRC round on a combatant you control with an
LRC skill. That combatant and one other combatant of the owning
player's choice will deal no damage in this LRC round.
Fascination 2 U
Play on any adversary to add +1 to its CRC skill check. In addition, if
the adversary is Occult, play on the chosen agent in combat to negate
his combat skills this round.
Fast Draw 2 R
Play on any one combatant who would not normally be allowed to
fight a round of LRC (the combatant must still have LRC skill). The
combatant may fight one round of LRC as normal.
Play this card on any combatant in an LRC round to reduce the dam-
age from any one source by 4 points. The combatant using this card
does not deal damage in this LRC round.
Energy Strike 3 R
Play on any Alien or Evolutionary adversary to add +3 to any LRC skill
check. If the adversary does not have LRC skill, this card gives it a 3
for this round only.
Face-Off 2 U
Play this card during an LRC round on a combatant you control with an
LRC skill. That combatant and one other combatant of the owning
player's choice will deal no damage in this LRC round.
Fascination 2 U
Play on any adversary to add +1 to its CRC skill check. In addition, if
the adversary is Occult, play on the chosen agent in combat to negate
his combat skills this round.
Fast Draw 2 R
Play on any one combatant who would not normally be allowed to
fight a round of LRC (the combatant must still have LRC skill). The
combatant may fight one round of LRC as normal.
Fast Strike 4 R
Play this card on any combatant with a CRC skill of 3 or more to allow
that combatant to attack twice in a CRC round. Make an additional
skill check and apply damage as normal.
First Aid 0 C
Play on any agent in the Field to immediately heal 1 point of damage.
Flaming Wall 2 U
Play on any Evolutionary adversary to cause 1 point of damage to each
opponent in an LRC round. This is in addition to any other damage
caused by the adversary in this round.
Gun Jammed 1 C
Negates the effects of any one equipment card that adds to LRC skill
for the duration of this combat.
Handcuff 3 R
Play this card in a CRC round after damage has been dealt. If the
agent dealt 2 more points of damage than the opponent then combat
ends immediately. In addition, place the opposing adversary in the
agent's Bureau any time to add 2 points of damage to any future
combat involving an adversary with the same keywords.
Hard Punch 1 C
Play on any combatant in a CRC round. Add +1 to the combatant's
damage result.
Play this card on any combatant with a CRC skill of 3 or more to allow
that combatant to attack twice in a CRC round. Make an additional
skill check and apply damage as normal.
First Aid 0 C
Play on any agent in the Field to immediately heal 1 point of damage.
Flaming Wall 2 U
Play on any Evolutionary adversary to cause 1 point of damage to each
opponent in an LRC round. This is in addition to any other damage
caused by the adversary in this round.
Gun Jammed 1 C
Negates the effects of any one equipment card that adds to LRC skill
for the duration of this combat.
Handcuff 3 R
Play this card in a CRC round after damage has been dealt. If the
agent dealt 2 more points of damage than the opponent then combat
ends immediately. In addition, place the opposing adversary in the
agent's Bureau any time to add 2 points of damage to any future
combat involving an adversary with the same keywords.
Hard Punch 1 C
Play on any combatant in a CRC round. Add +1 to the combatant's
damage result.
Hide 1 C
Requires Subtertuge. No damage may be dealt to the combatant in
this round and the combatant deals no damage.