InQuest 19 - 138 - The X-Files CCG - Preview Card Guide
players guide
Nome Cost Rarity
Hit and Run 3 U
One agent equipped with a Government Car may use this card to
make one CRC attack at CRC skill: 6. Any damage allocated to the
agent is taken by the car first. The car is destroyed after taking 6 hits.
Discard the Government Car card after this combat round is resolved.
Illusionary Foe 4 R
Play on any Occult or Evolutionary adversary to negate all damage
allocated to that adversary this round.
Internal Bleeding 3 U
Play on any agent that has taken two or more damage from a single
damage source. That agent must go to the hospital immediately and
may no longer participate in the combat. The agent may not leave the
hospital until he is fully healed.
Deep Throat: Okay. Stop snickering.
Mulder's most valuable ally allows you to
ask a question about your opponent's X-File.
No skill check or anything. Just five measly
resource points. The fact that it can't be
countered only makes it harder for your
opponent to swallow.
players guide
Nome Cost Rarity
Hit and Run 3 U
One agent equipped with a Government Car may use this card to
make one CRC attack at CRC skill: 6. Any damage allocated to the
agent is taken by the car first. The car is destroyed after taking 6 hits.
Discard the Government Car card after this combat round is resolved.
Illusionary Foe 4 R
Play on any Occult or Evolutionary adversary to negate all damage
allocated to that adversary this round.
Internal Bleeding 3 U
Play on any agent that has taken two or more damage from a single
damage source. That agent must go to the hospital immediately and
may no longer participate in the combat. The agent may not leave the
hospital until he is fully healed.
Deep Throat: Okay. Stop snickering.
Mulder's most valuable ally allows you to
ask a question about your opponent's X-File.
No skill check or anything. Just five measly
resource points. The fact that it can't be
countered only makes it harder for your
opponent to swallow.
Kick 1 C
Requires Martial Arts. Can also be used against a stunned opponent.
Add +2 to the combatant's CRC damage result this round.
Massive Internal Damage 8 U
Play on any agent that has taken four or more damage from a single
damage source. That agent must go to the hospital immediately and
may no longer participate in combat. The agent may not leave the
hospital until fully healed. Subtract 4 from the agent's cost. If the
result is zero or lass, the agent is removed from the game
Mind Control 4 R
Play on any Occult or Evolutionary adversary to cause one agent to
allocate all damage to a target of the adversary's choice this round
(including other agents).
Nerve Strike 3 R
Requires Martial Arts. Add +2 to the combatants CRC skill this ound.
In addition, the opponent is considered "Stunned" for the next round
of combat and will deal no damage during that round.
No Way Out X U
Play this card to negate the effects of any combat card that ends com-
bat. The cost of this card is equal to the cost of the opponent's card
that ended the combat or 2 - whichever is greater
Rending Claws 0 U
Play on any Primordial or Occult adversary to add +1 to their CRC skill.
Requires Martial Arts. Can also be used against a stunned opponent.
Add +2 to the combatant's CRC damage result this round.
Massive Internal Damage 8 U
Play on any agent that has taken four or more damage from a single
damage source. That agent must go to the hospital immediately and
may no longer participate in combat. The agent may not leave the
hospital until fully healed. Subtract 4 from the agent's cost. If the
result is zero or lass, the agent is removed from the game
Mind Control 4 R
Play on any Occult or Evolutionary adversary to cause one agent to
allocate all damage to a target of the adversary's choice this round
(including other agents).
Nerve Strike 3 R
Requires Martial Arts. Add +2 to the combatants CRC skill this ound.
In addition, the opponent is considered "Stunned" for the next round
of combat and will deal no damage during that round.
No Way Out X U
Play this card to negate the effects of any combat card that ends com-
bat. The cost of this card is equal to the cost of the opponent's card
that ended the combat or 2 - whichever is greater
Rending Claws 0 U
Play on any Primordial or Occult adversary to add +1 to their CRC skill.
Run For It 2 U
Play this card on ay agent to immediately end combat for that agent.
Finish the combat without the agent. The agent takes no damage from
the combat and may still contribute his skill to other skill checks.
Running Gun Battle 3 U
Combatants with an LRC skill of 3+ may use this card to fight one
additional round of LRC immediately.
Semi-Jacketed Hollow Points 2 U
Play this card on any combatant in an LRC round to add +2 points to
that combatant's LRC skill.
Name Cost Rarity
Sneak Attack 3 R
Play on any Evolutionary adversary to allow it to deal all of its damage
in the round before its opponents. Any opponents sent to the hospital
as a result of this damage do not cause damage this round.
Spin Kick 3 R
Requires Martial Arts. Adds +3 to the combatants CRC skill this round.
Stunning Blow 2 U
Play this on any opponent who has just taken damage. The opponent
ts considered "Stunned" for the next round of combat and will deal no
damage during that round.
Take Cover 2 U
Play this card on any combatant to decrease damage from one LRC
source by 2 points this round.
Play this card on ay agent to immediately end combat for that agent.
Finish the combat without the agent. The agent takes no damage from
the combat and may still contribute his skill to other skill checks.
Running Gun Battle 3 U
Combatants with an LRC skill of 3+ may use this card to fight one
additional round of LRC immediately.
Semi-Jacketed Hollow Points 2 U
Play this card on any combatant in an LRC round to add +2 points to
that combatant's LRC skill.
Name Cost Rarity
Sneak Attack 3 R
Play on any Evolutionary adversary to allow it to deal all of its damage
in the round before its opponents. Any opponents sent to the hospital
as a result of this damage do not cause damage this round.
Spin Kick 3 R
Requires Martial Arts. Adds +3 to the combatants CRC skill this round.
Stunning Blow 2 U
Play this on any opponent who has just taken damage. The opponent
ts considered "Stunned" for the next round of combat and will deal no
damage during that round.
Take Cover 2 U
Play this card on any combatant to decrease damage from one LRC
source by 2 points this round.
Terminal Damage 10 R
Play on any agent that has taken five or more damage from a single
damage source. That agent must go to the hospital immediately and
may no longer participate in combat. The agent cannot leave the hos-
pital until fully healed. Subtract 5 from the agent's cost. If the cost is
zero or less, the agent is removed from the game.
Vicious Fangs U
Play on any Primordial or Occult adversary to add +2 to their CRC skill.
Watch Out 1 U
Play this card when your opponent is about to assign damage. You
now choose which of the agents or adversaries under your control take
the daniage. The damage may not be split unless you play a card that
allows you to do so.
Webbed 3 R
Play on any Primordial adversary to add +1 to their CRC skill and pre-
vent all damage from one opponent this round.
Name Cost Rarity
Binoculars 1 C
Add +1 to the agent's Observation skill.
Play on any agent that has taken five or more damage from a single
damage source. That agent must go to the hospital immediately and
may no longer participate in combat. The agent cannot leave the hos-
pital until fully healed. Subtract 5 from the agent's cost. If the cost is
zero or less, the agent is removed from the game.
Vicious Fangs U
Play on any Primordial or Occult adversary to add +2 to their CRC skill.
Watch Out 1 U
Play this card when your opponent is about to assign damage. You
now choose which of the agents or adversaries under your control take
the daniage. The damage may not be split unless you play a card that
allows you to do so.
Webbed 3 R
Play on any Primordial adversary to add +1 to their CRC skill and pre-
vent all damage from one opponent this round.
Name Cost Rarity
Binoculars 1 C
Add +1 to the agent's Observation skill.
Cassette, The 4 R
Adds +2 to the agent's Bureaucracy skill. Government adversaries
may now attack the agent's team when investigating a site, even
when they would otherwise be barred from doing so.
Cellular Phone 4 R
The agent may aid his skills to a skill check that is occuring in another
section of the table. The agent's skill is reduced by 1. LRC and CRC
may not be added.
Electron Emission Microscope 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Medical skill
Gas Chromatograph 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Sciences skill.
Geiger Counter 2 U
Adds +1 to the agent's Alien Investigation skill.
Glock 19 Semi-Automatic 4 U
Adds +2 to the agent's LRC skill.
Government Car 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Criminal Investigation skill.
Hi-Res Camera 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Occult Investigation skill.
High Powered Flashlight 4 U
Adds +2 to the agent's Observation skill.
Adds +2 to the agent's Bureaucracy skill. Government adversaries
may now attack the agent's team when investigating a site, even
when they would otherwise be barred from doing so.
Cellular Phone 4 R
The agent may aid his skills to a skill check that is occuring in another
section of the table. The agent's skill is reduced by 1. LRC and CRC
may not be added.
Electron Emission Microscope 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Medical skill
Gas Chromatograph 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Sciences skill.
Geiger Counter 2 U
Adds +1 to the agent's Alien Investigation skill.
Glock 19 Semi-Automatic 4 U
Adds +2 to the agent's LRC skill.
Government Car 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Criminal Investigation skill.
Hi-Res Camera 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Occult Investigation skill.
High Powered Flashlight 4 U
Adds +2 to the agent's Observation skill.
Holy Symbol 3 R
Occult adversaries may not assign damage to this agent unless there
are no other eligible targets. If the agent is the only eligible target,
then the damage from Occult adversaries is halved.
Hospital Crash Cart 4 R
Does not need to be attached to an agent. Place 3 tokens on the Hos-
pital Crash Cart. Discard one token to heal one point of damage to an
agent in the hospital. Discard when all 3 tokens have been
Kevlar Vest 3 U
Place 3 tokens on this card. Discard a token to prevent 1 point of
damage. Discard the Vest when all the tokens have been removed.
Excess damage is applied to the agent as normal.
Knife 2 C
Add +1 to the agent's CRC skill.
Laptop Computer 4 U
Adds +2 to the agent's Computer skill.
Lie Detector 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Behavioral skill.
Medi-Kit 4 R
An agent with Medical skill may use the Medi-Kit to heal one wound
on any agent in the team once per turn. Health may not be restored
until after combat. This may prevent an agent from going to the
Occult adversaries may not assign damage to this agent unless there
are no other eligible targets. If the agent is the only eligible target,
then the damage from Occult adversaries is halved.
Hospital Crash Cart 4 R
Does not need to be attached to an agent. Place 3 tokens on the Hos-
pital Crash Cart. Discard one token to heal one point of damage to an
agent in the hospital. Discard when all 3 tokens have been
Kevlar Vest 3 U
Place 3 tokens on this card. Discard a token to prevent 1 point of
damage. Discard the Vest when all the tokens have been removed.
Excess damage is applied to the agent as normal.
Knife 2 C
Add +1 to the agent's CRC skill.
Laptop Computer 4 U
Adds +2 to the agent's Computer skill.
Lie Detector 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Behavioral skill.
Medi-Kit 4 R
An agent with Medical skill may use the Medi-Kit to heal one wound
on any agent in the team once per turn. Health may not be restored
until after combat. This may prevent an agent from going to the
Mini-14 Assault Rifle 4 U
Adds +2 to the agent's LRC skill. Damage may be split if there are
multiple opponents.
Mojo Bag 2 U
Subtract 1 from each damaging hit caused by an Occult creature. In
addition, Occult adversaries may not play combat cards on agents
equipped with a Mojo Bag.
Shotgun 6 R
Adds +3 to the agent's LRC skill once per combat. Damage may be
split if there are multiple opponents.
Name Cost Rarity
Walther PPK 7.65 Hold Out 4 R
Adds +2 to the agent's CRC skill.
Wire-Tap 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Subterfuge sill.
Name Cost Rarity
Adds +2 to the agent's LRC skill. Damage may be split if there are
multiple opponents.
Mojo Bag 2 U
Subtract 1 from each damaging hit caused by an Occult creature. In
addition, Occult adversaries may not play combat cards on agents
equipped with a Mojo Bag.
Shotgun 6 R
Adds +3 to the agent's LRC skill once per combat. Damage may be
split if there are multiple opponents.
Name Cost Rarity
Walther PPK 7.65 Hold Out 4 R
Adds +2 to the agent's CRC skill.
Wire-Tap 2 C
Adds +1 to the agent's Subterfuge sill.
Name Cost Rarity
A Friend in the FBI 2 RP R
Play this card in the Bureau. Place 10 tokens on this card. During your
Briefing phase you may take up to two tokens from this card and
place them in your RP pool. When all tokens have been removed, dis-
card this card.
Access Personnel Files 4 CP C
Force an opponent team to make a Computer 4+ skill check. If they
fail, that opponent must tell you the next answer that they obtain
regarding the X-File of your choice. The answer need not be a "yes"
answer. Discard this card after you've obtained the answer.
Agent Jack Willis Shot to Death in Bank Robbery 10 CP R
if your opponent includes Agent Willis in any skill check in the Field,
Agent Willis is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Agent Lamana Dies in Fatal Elevator Accident 10 CP R
If your opponent includes Agent Lamana in any skill check in the Field,
Agent Laman is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Agent Reggie Purdue Found Strangled 10 CP R
If your opponent includes Agent Purdue in any skill check in the Field,
Agent Purdue is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Agent Weiss Killed by Unknown Toxin 10 CP R
If your opponent includes Agent Weiss in any skill check in the Field,
Agent Weiss is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Alien Discretion X+1 RP R
Play on a team about to investigate a site with Alien Investigaion as a
prerequisite. Discard all Bluff cards attached to that site. X is the num-
ber of Bluffs at the site.
Play this card in the Bureau. Place 10 tokens on this card. During your
Briefing phase you may take up to two tokens from this card and
place them in your RP pool. When all tokens have been removed, dis-
card this card.
Access Personnel Files 4 CP C
Force an opponent team to make a Computer 4+ skill check. If they
fail, that opponent must tell you the next answer that they obtain
regarding the X-File of your choice. The answer need not be a "yes"
answer. Discard this card after you've obtained the answer.
Agent Jack Willis Shot to Death in Bank Robbery 10 CP R
if your opponent includes Agent Willis in any skill check in the Field,
Agent Willis is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Agent Lamana Dies in Fatal Elevator Accident 10 CP R
If your opponent includes Agent Lamana in any skill check in the Field,
Agent Laman is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Agent Reggie Purdue Found Strangled 10 CP R
If your opponent includes Agent Purdue in any skill check in the Field,
Agent Purdue is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Agent Weiss Killed by Unknown Toxin 10 CP R
If your opponent includes Agent Weiss in any skill check in the Field,
Agent Weiss is instantly killed and removed from the game.
Alien Discretion X+1 RP R
Play on a team about to investigate a site with Alien Investigaion as a
prerequisite. Discard all Bluff cards attached to that site. X is the num-
ber of Bluffs at the site.
Alien Experimentation 5 CP R
Negate any one keyword Event card.
Alien Technology 2 RP Pr
Play after one of your teams successfully investigates a site with Alien
Investigation or Bureaucracy skill as a prerequisite. Place this card in
your Bureau. Discard this card to negate one Alien or Government
Application for FBI Resources Approved 3 RP R
If the team makes a Bureaucracy 4+ skill check, you may borrow any
one of your oppnent's agents. It may not be an agent you already
control. Return the agent to your opponent at the end of the turn or
his or her health was reduced to zero during combat.
Assigned to the X-Files X+1 RP R
Play to permanently add any one agent from your hand to a team.
The normal rules for selecting an agent still apply. In addition, the
agent may not be one that was removed from the game prior to play-
ing this card. X is the agent's cost.
Authorized Access Only 4 CP R
Force an opponent team to make a Subterfuge 4+ skill check. If they
are not successful, they automatically fail the skill check for the site.
Autopsy 2 RP U
Take a Witness from your discard pile and place it in your hand. In
addition, if the team makes a Medical 4+ skill check, the Witness'
modifier is doubled if played this turn.
Negate any one keyword Event card.
Alien Technology 2 RP Pr
Play after one of your teams successfully investigates a site with Alien
Investigation or Bureaucracy skill as a prerequisite. Place this card in
your Bureau. Discard this card to negate one Alien or Government
Application for FBI Resources Approved 3 RP R
If the team makes a Bureaucracy 4+ skill check, you may borrow any
one of your oppnent's agents. It may not be an agent you already
control. Return the agent to your opponent at the end of the turn or
his or her health was reduced to zero during combat.
Assigned to the X-Files X+1 RP R
Play to permanently add any one agent from your hand to a team.
The normal rules for selecting an agent still apply. In addition, the
agent may not be one that was removed from the game prior to play-
ing this card. X is the agent's cost.
Authorized Access Only 4 CP R
Force an opponent team to make a Subterfuge 4+ skill check. If they
are not successful, they automatically fail the skill check for the site.
Autopsy 2 RP U
Take a Witness from your discard pile and place it in your hand. In
addition, if the team makes a Medical 4+ skill check, the Witness'
modifier is doubled if played this turn.
Back Tracking Program 4 CP U
Play this card to negate any keyword Computer card.
Blackmail 1 RP R
Play when you have just guessed incorrectly the identity of an X-File.
Select a team in your Bureau. If that team sucecsstully completes a
Bureaucracy 4+ skill check, your opponent does not get to ask you a
penalty question.
Chester Bonaparte, The Spirit Guide 5 RP Pr
Negate one Occult adversary. If the team makes an Occult investiga-
tion skill check of 6+ they may ask either one Method question or one
Result question.
Clone 2 CP U
Play this card on any Witness that has just been played. The owning
player must shuffle the Witness back into their Bureau deck immedi-
ately and does not benefit from the Witness.
Computer Access Denied 2 CP R
Force an opponent team to make a computer 4+ skill check or they
will be unable to complete the skill check.
Core Training 3 RP C
Play on an agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase of the second turn the
agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a + 1 in one of
the following skills: Criminal Investigation or Evidence Collection.
Play this card to negate any keyword Computer card.
Blackmail 1 RP R
Play when you have just guessed incorrectly the identity of an X-File.
Select a team in your Bureau. If that team sucecsstully completes a
Bureaucracy 4+ skill check, your opponent does not get to ask you a
penalty question.
Chester Bonaparte, The Spirit Guide 5 RP Pr
Negate one Occult adversary. If the team makes an Occult investiga-
tion skill check of 6+ they may ask either one Method question or one
Result question.
Clone 2 CP U
Play this card on any Witness that has just been played. The owning
player must shuffle the Witness back into their Bureau deck immedi-
ately and does not benefit from the Witness.
Computer Access Denied 2 CP R
Force an opponent team to make a computer 4+ skill check or they
will be unable to complete the skill check.
Core Training 3 RP C
Play on an agent in the Bureau. The agent is taken out of play for 1
full turn. At the start of the Briefing Phase of the second turn the
agent may be deployed as normal and in addition has a + 1 in one of
the following skills: Criminal Investigation or Evidence Collection.
Creative Writing 1 RP C
Play when on agent is forced to return to the Bureau. Prior to moving,
the team may make a Criminal Investigation 5+ skill check. If success-
ful, the agent does not have to return to the Bureau.
Crop Circles 1 RP C
Play after one of your teams successfully investigates a site with Alien
Investigation skill as a prerequisite. Place this card in your Bureau. Dis-
card this card to add +1 to an Alien Investigation skill check.